Look at Life as Being Half Full | Teen Ink

Look at Life as Being Half Full

November 23, 2009
By alexam BRONZE, Hallandale Beach, Florida
alexam BRONZE, Hallandale Beach, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 12 comments

What do I believe? I never really thought about if before but now that I am, I realize there are a colossal amount of things that I have belief in, more than I ever imagined. I believe in peace on Earth and even all around us. I believe in love within families, friends, and romances as well. I believe in underdogs who go from nothing to everything. I believe in showing respect to ourselves and others around us. I can keep going on and on with much more, however, to sum up the above beliefs, I am an optimist who only looks at things on the bright side without negativity.
There are a couple clichés you may have heard of in terms of optimism. They are, “looking at the glass half full” or “every cloud has a silver lining”. Although it is commonly used among most people, this is a cliché that I live my life by.
Underdogs are essential to my life. My family can be considered an underdog. In my earlier years, when my family and I first moved down to south Florida, I was about four or five years old, we had nothing, we were broke and in serious debt. Despite this terrible time in our lives, we pulled through. We stuck together and supported each other on everything and we stayed positive and optimistic. It did not take one day or one week. It took a few years for us to get back on our feet. I do not even want to think about how our life would have been if we did not stay optimistic and support each other.
I have been running cross country for 3 years now and the first two years, I made varsity and was very excited for regions and states. My last year though, I did not make the varsity team and it affected me considerably. I was really disappointed in myself and wish I could have practiced a little harder. Nevertheless, I told myself I would finish up the year running junior varsity and stay positive. I ended up having a great cross country season and made many new friends that I otherwise would not have. I was not going to let not making varsity get to me. Next year I will try to make the varsity team again. If I do not, that is fine too. I’m just going to stay optimistic no matter what and enjoy the moment.
I know people who think being optimistic is a waste of time because you “don’t want to get your hopes up”. This may be true, still, if our hopes are up and nothing happens, don’t just give up. Even if only bad things keep happening, stay positive and make the best out of a difficult situation.
So next time when you are in a bad state of affairs and you don’t know where to start to get yourself out of it, take my advice, and be optimistic. Look at the glass as being half full and the cloud as having a silver lining. Give off positive vibrations into the universe and you well get back positive vibrations back. You will feel better about yourself.

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This article has 1 comment.

julian GOLD said...
on Jul. 12 2011 at 11:49 am
julian GOLD, Eugene, Oregon
17 articles 17 photos 223 comments

Favorite Quote:
The goal is not about living forever, the goal is about creating something that can.

This is so very true. I completely agree with the idea that positive vibrations into the universe will actually bring positive effects into your life. Also, its just no fun being negative! Great article, with a well established opinion. Keep up the good work! Also, I'm looking for feedback on my newest article about the universe. Its very "out there" but if you want, give it a shot and see what you think. Thanks!