Strength to Be Kind | Teen Ink

Strength to Be Kind

October 19, 2013
By RochelleV SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
RochelleV SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Simon’s piece, “Strength to Be Kind” really moved me and opened my eyes to something I never really thought about before: schizophrenia from the mind of the victim. I felt the same regret he felt when he learned just how much his grandmother had been suffering, and I too, wish he had acted differently. After reading this beautiful piece, I now will be sure never to judge anyone until I know all there is about them.

This article truly touched me. Though I am not blaming Simon for his ignorance, I feel terrible for Sadie Ellen. Simon explained how she was living a promising life: president of her class, head of the prom committee, an important part of the marching band, and also an amazing friend, when she was attacked by schizophrenia and lost everything. She suffered never-ending hallucinations that must have driven her mad. Not only that, but her grandson Simon acted uncaringly towards her, as if she were a stranger. This must have made her feel awful, yet she always met him and his family with an undying kindness.

After reading the article, I have a feeling of sadness within me. “Strength to Be Kind” has the power to make readers cry. The plot is nothing short of amazing, and Simon possesses the power to get his grandmother’s magnificent story across.

Sadie Ellen’s strength and courage has inspired me to be a better person. Her wonderful tale showed me that no matter how hard something is for you, it is important that you keep on smiling, just like she did.

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