transcendental mind state on suicide | Teen Ink

transcendental mind state on suicide

November 5, 2013
By Delores Wiley BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
Delores Wiley BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Transcendental Mind state of suicide

All over the world society has made rules for teens to conform to. Society tells teenagers that they should act, look, and dress and portray their selves in a certain manner. This pressure for teens to do this comes from friends, family, the society that we live in, and the Hollywood society. Its forcing teens to believer that rather than just changing themselves for society they just feel the need to take their life and that it would just solve the problem.

Teens usually choose suicide rather than standing up to society because they feel overwhelmingly hopeless or they feel frustrated with their surroundings. Over the years the rate of teens killing themselves has increased due to the changes society is making which is demanding more from adolescents. Teens that choose suicide felt that they’re not falling into societies rules by conforming to what they believe.

“There is a time in every man’s education when he arrives at the convictions that envy is ignorance and that imitation is suicide”(Emerson) It clearly portrays a transcendental mind state due to the feeling of nonconformity. You should get involved and help because it could be the difference between life and death. You can help by talking to that person and find out if they are serious about suicide and let them know that you’re there for them, and that you care. The Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide is a great place for friends and family to contact if they have a love one considering suicide. They are able to talk to the teen and seek them mental help.

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