The Problem With Steak Fries | Teen Ink

The Problem With Steak Fries

January 12, 2014
By Jfeczkofc BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Jfeczkofc BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

So, I was at this fancy pants restaurant in Florida while on vacation last summer. When the waiter arrived with the menus, I coolly chose my entree, and then there they were. Steak fries. I could get two sides, and one of the choices was steak fries. I swear to god I almost stood up and exclaimed my joy across the whole restaurant, but I held myself back due to the fact that I was smack dab in the middle of a fancy pants restaurant. So I wait quietly until the waiter comes and takes our order and when he comes to me and I order. My face was nearly exploding with the giant grin that was stationed there, and naturally my dad took notice of my slightly sadistic smiling.
“What are you so happy about?”He asked.
“I just ordered steak fries” I replied to him.
“And?” he responded quizzically.

That should have tipped me off, but I was too excited to think straight. I then proceeded to make a fool of myself explaining to my father.

“Steak fries, you know, fries made of steak. Battered and deep fried strips of succulent steak.”

He looked at me in a puzzled fashion and then proceeded to crush my dreams with one swift sentence.
”You know steak fries are not made of steak, don’t you?”

I can truthfully say that the color drained from my face when he dropped this bomb. I know what you are thinking: Steak fries aren't made of steak? How can this be with such a name? At that point I was about to flip out. What was this? This is an outrage! What sort of sadistic psychopath would make a name so deceiving? Did he do it just to crush the dreams of children like me who just wanted to enjoy a fried steak side dish while eating? And that, ladies and gentlemen is the story of how my dreams of eating a thin cuts of fried steak were crushed.

But all is not lost. With your help we can stop this madness. Here’s the plan: First, we petition with the supreme court to have the name of the current impostor steak fries changed to “thick cut fries” (a much more accurate and less deceptive name), once we inevitably win the court case we pitch fries actually made of steak to the public as new steak fries. Everyone will immediately love this idea, because really who doesn't love fried food and steak? Finally we sit back and watch as we make millions. So join me and together we can rule the world!

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