Something to Contemplate | Teen Ink

Something to Contemplate

April 29, 2014
By Elizabeth.Leah BRONZE, WB, Iowa
Elizabeth.Leah BRONZE, WB, Iowa
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The pain you've been feeling can't compare to the joy that's coming Romans 8:18

Your life may be tumbling down, your patience may be wearing thin, and you might be thinking that the end is coming soon. At night, you lay on your bed and look out your window; gazing into the distance wishing there was somewhere, anywhere else you could be but here. Or maybe you’re the person who thinks that taking a drive and never making it home will solve things. Maybe, maybe you stand on the edge and whisper to yourself “jump.”

Your gut might be tightening as your read these words, but that just means you’re not alone.

You’re sitting here reading this thinking ‘what does this girl have to offer me?’ Well in truth, I may not have anything for you. I may not have anything for anyone, but I can promise you one thing, I will never give up trying to reach out to someone.

I’ll tell you one thing that each person will interpret differently; in the end, there is always going to be something you will never understand. You may think that your world is crumbling around you and that nothing is going right, but why don’t you take a step backwards and look at all the things that ARE going right. I promise you that out of everything that is going wrong there will be one thing, one thing that is right. It may be minuscule and incomprehensible to you at the moment, but it’s there and it’s alive inside of you in some aspect.

I encourage you to take a moment and reflect on your day or your week, maybe even this whole year and think of the things that have gone wrong. I want you to go further and deeper and pull out one thing that is right for each wrong you come up with. It won’t be easy, in fact it shouldn’t be easy. Personally, I think that if you don’t have struggle in your life then you aren’t truly living. Maybe that sounds terrible and unfair, but I think that it is understandable. If nothing stands in the middle of your road, how will you ever learn to obtain the strength to break down those road blocks and overcome the things that pop up unexpectedly?

When striking out seems like a never-ending cycle, does your moral mentality sink? You think that because you haven’t had the perfect relationship, or you’re always in and out of relationships, or no one is interested in you that you’re worthless? Wrong. Newsflash, you’re in high school. I can assure you that you are not going to find Mr. Right or the Mrs. Perfect at the age of 17. That’s probably not what you want to hear, but I can guarantee that at some point you’re going to need to let that sink in. In some cases, the person you’re dating now may actually end up being the person you marry, but the majority of you will not be marrying your high school sweetheart; keep that in mind.

You are worth more than you think. You can sit there and tell yourself that you’re not pretty or that you’re not skinny enough or that you aren’t jacked enough. But let me ask you this, what is the definition of enough? What is beauty and who decides what beautiful should look like? In some societies being skinny is abnormal and frowned upon, so why is the society we live in corrupted with the fact that you have to be “thin” to be desirable? Who planted the seed that a man has to be tall and muscular to be the ideal? Why are you letting the thoughts of others tempt you into doubting your self- worth? Who are they to tell you you are not enough?

That’s the thing, it’s not them. It’s you. They are not in your head telling you the lies you choose to believe; you are telling yourself those things. End the corruption within yourself and you could essentially free your mind from insecurity. In order to do that though, you must take a step in the direction you choose to walk. There can be no more ifs-ands-or-buts. There can no longer be any halfsies. You’re either walking North or South; there is no North-South.

Take the step, and your life will change. Define the word enough, and your world will change. Get rid of the idea of perfection, and your life will change. Overcome your road blocks and your life will change. Seek the right, and your world will change.

Are you going to change your life today?

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