Common Core | Teen Ink

Common Core

November 5, 2013
By SydneyJones BRONZE, Averill Park, New York
SydneyJones BRONZE, Averill Park, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many students, in grades first to twelfth, are struggling academically while in school. Every year, only 69 percent of American high school students earn their diploma. Either the common core is not doing justice for students, or teachers are not being trained well enough to teach the common core in time for students to actually learn it.

To begin, many local parents fine the common core a struggle for their children. Parents are also saying the work load is too much for their students. Most importantly, teachers aren’t able to be as creative as they could be. As shown on channel 13 NBC News, teachers are given scripts with how long a lesson should be and what teachers should say, but are not required to say.

In addition, some parents can-not afford to higher tutors for their children. Some parents are now writing and speaking with government officials to try to stop common core production in New York State. More than forty states have adopted the common core. Indiana’s governor Mike Prence states that he is waiting to use the common core to see how it plays out.

Now, people might disagree. The common core can be beneficial but, the grade level that would really benefit from this is kindergarten because they are so young learning this, it will eventually become easy and some things will become common sense. This may also lead the United States to become one of the top competitors for the highest education value. The United States now ranks 17th in the developed world of education.

In a society where multitasking is key, children are now having to handle a heavier work load. The fact of the matter is that, common core is actually doing something for students or is it just putting more stress and work on them? Adding more questions and making the students work harder may help the students learn it better, but will the students actually be able to memorize it and will they know how to actually use the tools that the students are given to them?

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