The Good, The Bad, and The Republican Candidates | Teen Ink

The Good, The Bad, and The Republican Candidates

April 1, 2016
By TyCollins BRONZE, NLR, Arkansas
TyCollins BRONZE, NLR, Arkansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I know in my heart that mans is good. That what is write will eventually triumph and that there is purpose to each and every life

Just the Beginning

Who would've thought that this would end up being the most pivotal election of modern history? So many things hang in the balance and can be changed just like that. From the issue of LGBT rights to the access to Punic Health care to gun rights, one man, or woman, could change things, even the course of our nation. In this essay we will analyze the remaining three candidates for the Republican Nomination for President of the United States of America. Starting with Donald Trump, then heading on to Ted Cruz ending with John Kasich. This is The good, The Bad, and The Republican Candidates.


Donald J. Trump
On June 16th, 2015, a man by the name Donald Trump rode down an escalator with his wife Malina to the lobby of Trump Tower to announce that he would be seeking the Republican Nomination for President of The United States. The reaction from the American People, and the GOP establishment (For those of you who do not know what GOP stands for, it means “Grand Old Party” an alias for the Republican Party) was that of amusement. They thought there was no way a man like this will ever be President with the visions of giant walls dancing in his head. Imagine their surprise when 10 months later this man is their frontrunner for the nomination.

Donald Trump by many people is considered to be the savior of the country while by others, he is considered to be the death of this nation. Donald Trump has proposed many things that to many sound radical while to others sound like a good a plan. The one he is most famous for would have to be the fact that he plans to build a large wall across the southern border of the United States with Mexico to stop the inflow of illegal Immigrants. The kicker is, he plans to make Mexico pay for it. We cannot forget about the mass deportation, he has proposed and the millions of taxpayer dollars it would cost. Another famous stance he has taken is to ban all Muslims from entering this nation. He plans to basically stop the entrance of a whole race into this, the nation of immigrants based on the actions of people associated with their race. What is American about that?!? (Hint: Nothing).

Once you get past these crazy ideas you get into his more sane, and somewhat acceptable plans to fix this nation. Like simplifying the tax code or bringing jobs back to America, or even not adding to the debt or the deficit. The only problem is, he has provided no proof as to how he would do any of these things. It raises the question on if he even knows how he would do any of these things.

Donald Trump has received the endorsements of two candidates since they have dropped out, with those being Chris Christie (Who has gone on record saying Mr.Trump would make a horrible President) and Ben Carson  (Who Mr.Trump has gone on record calling a pedophile) and the endorsement of Florida Governor Rick Scott. Endorsements have come in from people like U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions, former U.S. Senator Scott Brown and current U.S. Representatives like Tom Reed, Chris Collins, Lou Barletta, Tom Marino, Duncan D. Hunter and Renee Ellmers. The most noteworthy endorsement comes from former Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin, that endorsement right there raises some red flags.

Now, to the point at hand. How can Donald Trump change America? Simply put, as President, Donald Trump can do whatever the hell he wants. To me that is a little scary. He could build the wall or ban all Muslims with a simple little Executive Order. Another way that he and all of the Republicans could change this nation would be by nominating and confirming a Supreme Court Justice. A conservative judge could help to overturn many historical rulings such as the one that deemed the bannings of Same-Sex marriage unconstitutional or the controversial decision that Obamacare, or the affordable care act, is constitutional. Simple civil rights hang in the balance should we elect a man like Donald Trump.

The question at hand, can we trust someone like Donald Trump to be the next President of The United States. Well, that’s up to the American Voters. In my opinion. No, A man like this cannot be trusted to run this nation.


Ted Cruz
It was the earliest announcement in the Republican Race for President coming on March 23, 2015 at an event at Liberty University from Texas Senator and GOP Outcast, Ted Cruz. Not only was he the first major candidate for the Republicans to announce but for the race as a whole. Senator Cruz is seen by both the Republican and Democratic establishment as a threat to both parties. He is anti-establishment and in a world dominated by partisan politics that is seen as a bad things. The reaction a Cruz Candidacy was the same of that to a Trump Candidacy. Pure amusement.
Senator Cruz has received endorsements from sitting Governors like Greg Abbott of Texas, Phil Bryant of Mississippi, Nikki Haley of South Carolina, Gary Herbert of Utah, and Former Republican Presidential Candidate Scott Walker of Wisconsin. He has been endorsed by former candidates like RIck Perry of Texas, Jeb Bush of Florida and Carly Fiorina, a former CEO and Republican Presidential Candidate. . He has also received endorsements from a total 31 current U.S. Representatives. The most noteworthy endorsement comes from Mitt Romney, the former GOP Nominee for President, facing incumbent President Barack Obama in 2012

Senator Cruz is locked in an ever-raging battle with his fellow candidate Donald Trump for the nomination. Donald Trump has 736 delegates whereas Senator Cruz has 463. It seems impossible for Senator Cruz to come back from this but it’s not. Senator Cruz and Donald Trump are not only locked in a delegate battle but a war of words as well. Just recently, a Super PAC supporting Senator Cruz released a nude photo of Donald Trump’s Super Model wife Melania Trump in an ad convincing voters to vote for Senator Cruz over Mr.Trump. In return, Donald Trump threatens to “Spill the Beans” on Senator Cruz’s wife, Heidi Cruz. Days after the altercation, Donald Trump retweeted a very unflattering photo of Mrs. Cruz next to a very beautiful photo of his own wife. This resulted in Senator Cruz looking in right into the Camera of an ABC reporter and saying  “Donald you are a sniveling coward and leave Heidi the hell alone." These two candidates seem to argue more than a group of small children.
Senator Cruz is most famous for his statement on carpetbombing all of ISIS and eliminating them once and for all. The question is, how would we do so? ISIS has no set defined land and is spread out across the globe. How are we to carpet bomb them when we can't even pinpoint their exact location. I suspect this is just something that Senator Cruz has said to appease the masses. Senator Cruz is also a supporter of Traditional Marriage and an avid supporter to overturn the SCOTUS ruling on Same-Sex marriage. He says that marriage is between a man and a women and that's they way it should stay. Senator Cruz is also a strict constitutionalist and believes that denying a certain group of people the right to marry is the right thing to do. Senator Cruz is also famous for his staunch views supporting the Second Amendment guaranteeing people the right to bear arms and form a well regulated militia.
Senator Cruz says things that are plenty similar to the rhetoric of Donald Trump he just says them in a softer manor. That’s why he doesn't have the amount of support Mr. Trump has. Ted Cruz is just as dangerous as Mr. Trump if not more when it comes to this pivotal election.

John Kasich
When we begin the discussion of this next candidate people are shocked to hear that he is even still in the race. John Kasich declared himself a candidate for the Republican Nomination for President of the United States on July 21st, 2015 at Ohio State University. He was the 16th person to enter the already crowded dance floor. John Kasich is the sitting Governor of Ohio and is still in the race even though he only has 143 delegates. Senator Marco Rubio, who has since dropped out has more delegate then him at 171. Many people suspect that he is still in the race is a last attempt to thwart a Trump Candidacy.
John Kasich has been endorsed by two sitting Governors, Robert Bentley of Alabama, and Butch Otter of Idaho. He has also been endorsed by the former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger. Endorsements have rolled in from current U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe from Oklahoma and U.S. Senator Rob Portman from Ohio. He has also been endorsed by 25+ current and former U.S. Representatives one of them just so happens to be former Speaker of the House John Boehner.
Governor Kasich is an establishment Republican that practices bipartisan politics. Something that is very hard to find in today's world. Governor Kasich is the sanest of the remaining Republican Candidates for the nomination and in my honest opinion the best choice for the Presidency but sadly he will never win.
Under a Kasich Presidency many civil rights like the ability to marry who you please while protecting your family with your guns would be kept intact. Also his economic policies have proven when he was a representative and Chairman of the House Budget Committee he led the efforts to balance the federal budget and succeeded with a projects surplus of 5 trillion dollars. He has been successful with balancing the budget in Ohio during his tenure as Governor. Something that needs to be done on a national level once again. He has proposed Tax Cuts for everyone that are within the legal limits and limits that make sense. John Kasich has also announced his support for veterans, something that we can all rally around, and has the best plan to reform the VA in the best way possible for our veterans.
A Kasich Presidency is something that would benefit everyone. It’ s sad to see that one will never exist.

Why This Scares Me
A Trump or a Cruz Presidency scares the living daylights out of me. On one hand we have an idiot who has no political experience or knowledge whatsoever and doesn't know how to play nice with anyone and on the other hand we have someone who also doesn't know how to play nice but knows how to make it look like the other person's fault and he just so happens to be a war lover that wants to blow the crap out of everything. How in the world does anyone benefit from this?!? Also, both of these people want to deny people basic civil rights by overturning the SCOTUS decision and allowing states to ban Same-Sex marriage. Being a gay person I am terrified. I have no clue how to rest of the world it not.

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