Gun Violence in America | Teen Ink

Gun Violence in America

December 8, 2016
By Mr.Hat BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Mr.Hat BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“More than 30,000 people die in shootings in America each year; no other rich country suffers anyway near that level of gun violence” (“A History of Violence”). Gun violence is one of the largest causes of death in America each year, yet people seem to avoid the topic whenever it is brought up. Many people do not realize how many deaths related to gun violence are within their own state, within their own city, and even within their own community. More needs to be done to reduce gun violence in America.

Gun violence is a very important issue that we are seemingly not paying attention to. “So far in this very young year… there have been 6,886 incidents of gun violence in the United States, killing 1,781 people and injuring 3,745…” (“Gun Violence in America Is Out of Control”). Despite how horrible these shootings are, the majority of them don’t even make headlines. “So routine are shootings that only the particular horrors of mass shootings… attract any national attention” (“Gun Violence in America Is Out of Control”). These statistics are just unacceptable. We as a nation seriously need to prevent these awful incidents or we will continue to be shaken by shooting after shooting.

However, according to certain people, the problem of gun violence is just too impossible to conquer. They think it would be better to wait it out and hope for the best. “Although recent rampage shootings have put gun violence back in the national spotlight, many people are convinced no practical measures can be taken” (Pollack). We can not allow this to happen to our country. If we just ignore the shootings, they will become more and more routine. There may not be many practical measures out there, but there are for sure many good options people have suggested.

Gun-control laws may in fact be the answer. “A recent survey of 130 studies concluded that strict gun-control laws do indeed reduce deaths caused by firearms” (“A History of Gun Violence”). If nationwide rules involving guns are set, then this may not be as much of a problem as it is currently. However these laws would probably be hard to pass because of potential violations of the 2nd Amendment and too few votes from Congress. These laws may seem too difficult to pass, but anything can happen if Congressman agree to work together. We can not give up.

Gun violence needs to be curbed. It is filling our country with fear instead of courage, despair instead of hope, apathy instead of action, death instead of life. We need to turn this country back into what it was by reducing gun violence. “Gun regulations could be especially effective in limiting gun crime by teenagers and young adults” (Pollack). People need to help each other in order for us to succeed and thrive. In order to achieve our goals of ending gun violence once and for all, we will work together, and we will pull through.

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