Equal Pay Discrimination Against Women | Teen Ink

Equal Pay Discrimination Against Women

April 30, 2019
By KV BRONZE, Onalaska, Wisconsin
KV BRONZE, Onalaska, Wisconsin
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Some people might not agree with this idea, but I think gender equality does not exist in many workplaces due to gender differences. Since women don’t get paid the same as men do, they deserve to get payed the same as men make. What’s even more unfair is that women work as hard as men do, but somehow, occupations decide that their gender is a “problem”. It’s pretty how crazy people discriminate against women just because of their gender. Also, majority of women are most likely to be employed to part time jobs since they can’t even get employed to their dream careers, but when women have children, they are unable to pay for important bills and baby necessities with their low paying job.

On the other hand, I believe that women work performance is the same as men’s, and maybe even better. But somehow, their salary is still less cause of the gender difference. According to Monica Torres, she stated, “Not only were women employees producing quality work at the same rates as men, they were also getting the same scores on their performance evaluations.” (“Women-Men-Same”). This just explained that women’s effort is equal to men’s, and also have the same performance scores as they do. If this type of thinking doesn’t change soon, it won’t be good influence for our future. For example, kids in this generation are most likely to grow up thinking men are “higher or better”  than women, men should rule the world and society instead, and men are more powerful.

Another issue we face, is that a majority of women are employed to lower-paying occupations, which is ridiculous since it’s the only option women basically have in their career path. It’s so mind blowing that women are forced to work at a job that prevents them to pursue their own careers, which leaves them with a low-paying job they don’t want . Clark states, ”There are 4.2 million women who work in occupations with poverty-level wages, more than eight times as many as the 0.5 million men who do, according to a new analysis of the gender wage gap by occupation released by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) in adventure of the Equal Pay Day on Tuesday, April 10.” (“Women-8-Time”). Basically, it just tells that women are more likely to work at jobs that barely pays for: rent, daily necessities and more everyday products. This can cause the increase of women to be the population of poverty life, which makes men most likely to be the popularity of future jobs; leaving women out.

But most importantly, when women give birth to their newborn, how are they gonna pay for bills and baby necessities with their low-budget job? Women also shouldn’t have to hesitate when they’re ready for kids, but don’t have enough money to support themselves. According to Meghan Werft, “Globally, the wage gap is larger for women with children. In Sub-Saharan African and South Asia, women earn over 30% less than men once they have children. This is double the gender wage gap of single women in these regions.” (“10-Reasons-Women”). Werft explains that women make less of a wage than men do when having kids, especially towards low budget places that can barely cover their everyday needs. However, if women don’t get paid equally, how will they be able to support their children who will be our next generation? Women are not below men; we are equally the same people, but workplaces should recognize that as well.

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