LGBT Rights | Teen Ink

LGBT Rights

February 10, 2021
By FelixWoodall BRONZE, St Charles, Missouri
FelixWoodall BRONZE, St Charles, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Transgender rights are human rights, we are people that deserve rights. We need our rights and protection. Why do we have to fight for our rights when we are human too, it isn’t fair. We aren’t monsters. We do not need to be shot down like a wild deer. Over 50 transgender or gay people were shot or brutally killed in 2020. Even more died from suicide because they weren’t accepted or welcomed with open arms. The majority was transgender black women.

We did not come out of our shell of hiding just to have people look at us in disgust. We are human too. On June 12, 2016 at a Gay Nightclub, a man opened fire inside the building, killing 49 people, injuring more people than the already high death number. Ever since then, gay and transgender people have hid their identities in fear of being killed, just for being different.

If we bleed the same color, if we breathe the same air, if we are the same species, if we have the same purpose to live, why are we treated any differently? We aren’t any more different than you are. We just identify differently. It isn’t an illness, it isn’t contagious. We were born with the same purpose as you. Why do we still have to fight for our rights? It is 2021, this isn’t the antique times.

Just like the blacks and women suffered for decades just to have their rights. They were human, they still are. All we want is to be accepted by everyone. Why must we bleed or die for your invalid and incompetent opinion? We didn’t ask for this, the first famously known transgender woman from the early 1900’s didn’t ask for this. We won’t stop until we earn our rights completely, until you and everyone else accept us living as your neighbors.

The author's comments:

I am transgender and gay myself. 

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RaineyDay GOLD said...
on Oct. 23 2021 at 11:39 pm
RaineyDay GOLD, Colorado Springs, Colorado
14 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
¨The space in between your comfort zone and your dreams is where life takes place.¨
-Helen Keller

Really well written!