Racism is Poinless | Teen Ink

Racism is Poinless

January 8, 2014
By Diamante Towell BRONZE, Washington D.C., District Of Columbia
Diamante Towell BRONZE, Washington D.C., District Of Columbia
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Many people could agree with me when I say, “Racism is wrong.” But yet, it still occurs in our everyday life. I believe that is because people in the United States of America are still holding grudges. About one hundred and fifty years ago, African Americans were treated as property and not people. The white people who were pro slavery during this time weren’t too happy about their slaves becoming free. They were incredibly angry towards the African Americans. Also after we were free we were still treated very badly during the segregation era. The white people wanted nothing to do with us. They looked at African Americans as the inferior, and some still do today. Many white people today were raised from racist parents which is why this racism comes from, or white people just do not like any race but there own. But it’s safe to say that racism has been passed down generations. But it’s just not the white people. Black people also are guilty of racism towards other races, mainly white people. But all of this racism just has got to stop. All of the segregation and slavery is in the past. There is no reason we should still look at this. That was last century. We are in the 21st century now so im pretty sure that we should have already forgotten the past and should’ve started looking toward the future. I believe that the racism can be demolished if all races can learn each others culture and cooperate with each other. We can make friends of another race, we can put ourselves in each others shoes, or we can just stop looking at stereotypes.
If we can all be friends with those of another race, I’m sure that out of respect for that friend, we will stop discriminating against that race. I had a few white friends in Tennessee back in 2006, and I didn’t seem to care what color they were. They were my friends and I respected them. Others can share the same story, and I know for a fact that if your black friend isn’t as violent or as ghetto as everyone else assumes about the African American race, then maybe they will know that this is not true about all black folks. Also for the black people that think that all white people can’t dance, or are racist, or are rich and stuck up, they should at least get to know a white person before they judge their whole race. If we all become friends with one another then all the problems between races will lessen. If we get to know each others culture, maybe whites can jam to some hip hop, and blacks can rock to rock music (or not, because I tried and it doesn’t work, but at least I tried)
Furthermore, we can put ourselves in other people’s shoes, so we can see how it feels to be discriminated against. I always say something like this when one of my friends begin to use racial comments to a white person. I would say something such as, “How would you like it, if you were to do that and have people use racial comments towards your behavior?” I always think about this. No one would like to hear someone judge them because the color of their skin, or have someone make some racist comments towards their behavior. So why do they do it to others? I just don’t get it.
Finally, we need to stop looking at stereotypes to judge other people. Not all black people are violent, eats chicken, or is ghetto. This is not true. But some people who aren’t black look at the majority. We also shouldn’t do this because it offends the black people who shares none of these qualities. But white folks aren’t the only people who do it, and not all white people do it either. Just a portion. But a portion of black people also tend to judge white people because of stereotypes. There are some white people whose monthly salary are much more than the average black person. But it doesn’t mean that they’re rich. It doesn’t make them a racist, and it doesn’t make them stuck up. This is why we cannot trust stereotypes. When we trust stereotypes, it causes issues between the races.
I believe that all races can be together without any trouble. Yes, it will take a long time to achieve, but the time starts NOW. There isn’t anything holding anyone back anyone, so there are no excuses.

The author's comments:
I've been to a public school in Tennessee a few years ago. It was a multiracial school, where I would hear many racial comments.

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