Underage Alcohol Consumption | Teen Ink

Underage Alcohol Consumption

May 13, 2016
By Michaelhiggins BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Michaelhiggins BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Most minors have tried alcohol at least once for one reason or another. But, did you know it’s perfectly legal for minors to drink alcohol in forty five states for various reasons. Over half of the U.S. allows drinking under the “watchful eye” of your parents on private property. Unbelievably six states allow minors to drink on private property without parental consent or presence. Nevada included.

Alcohol is a poison that does much more harm than good. Especially for minors (Consequences of Underage Drinking). Many medical studies have been done that prove that underage drinking harms all parts of the developing brain (Alcohol and the developing brain). Alcohol has also been proven to have a surplus of negative effects on the liver.

Teens can be incredibly irresponsible. If a teen is going to go out and drink they could easily go somewhere unfamiliar or far away as to not get caught. This can become an issue if the teen or any of his/her friends get hurt or if they get lost. This is a problem that can be partially solved by making it more difficult for teens to get their hands on alcohol.

Underage drinking should be banned in all states. Under no circumstance should a blood alcohol concentration above .02 be legal. The legal limit for underage minors and adults would be set at .02 because some foods have naturally occurring alcohol like sugarless gums or ripe fruit, for alcohol in some cough syrups, and for other medical reasons. The legal limit currently in effect for minors while driving is .02 (Underage DUI). It wouldn’t hurt the economy too much to outright ban underage drinking because most of the alcohol underage drinkers get their hands on was bought by parents, friends, or stolen.

It’s perfectly legal for underage drinking in Forty five states (45 States That Allow Underage (under 21) Alcohol Consumption). I believe a federal law should be passed that bans all underage alcohol consumption, following the lead of Arkansas, Alabama, West Virginia, New Hampshire, and Idaho. As I previously stated underage drinking is legal in six states without parental permission. I haven’t yet mentioned some of the reasons underage drinking is legal such as for religious purposes, educational purposes, or for government work.

I’m not advocating that we punish all scenarios as there is a law in effect in Nevada and seventeen other states that makes it so an underage drinker will not be reprimanded for drinking when calling for another underage drinker that needs medical attention. I believe this law is a beneficial law and should stay in place but all underage drinking should be banned and harshly punished if discovered by reasons other than this one.

Alcohol can cause changes to the physical structure of a developing brain. In doing so it can change the function of the brain. When younger people drink for any purpose it can lead to alcoholism and dependency later in life. There are ways around underage drinking for all occasions. These alternatives should always be used as the risks of drinking alcohol at younger ages far outweigh the benefits. 

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