Bad Ad | Teen Ink

Bad Ad

December 18, 2013
By Jennifer Fried BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Jennifer Fried BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Makeup can be worn for many different reasons or occasions. This ad is a COVERGIRL ad for foundation, mascara, and lip gloss. On the top of the ad is “COVERGIRL” with the caption “GO OUT WITHOUT MY COVERGIRL ON- ARE YOU CRAZY? I love makeup. Buying it, applying it; I love how it makes me feel, how it makes me look like I don’t have big bags under my eyes….That’s why I am so excited to be a covergirl!” In the background there is a woman leaning on a wall wearing a white dress with trees in the background. On the bottom of the ad, there are three pictures of a woman’s face. One is for SimplyAgeless Foundation to make you look younger, one for LashBlast Mascara, and one for Outlast Lipcolor Lipgloss. Below each picture is a description of the product.

This ad uses a beautiful model to show how the products work. The woman on the ad is a tall, skinny, white woman wearing a beautiful white dress. Her hair is nicely curled and her makeup is done perfectly. The pictures at the bottom of the page show close ups of her face with flawless skin portraying that by using these products, you will look as beautiful as her. This may cause people to change themselves in order to look like the model.

This ad also uses intensity to help sell the products. Within the descriptions they use the phrases “always gets a big reaction” and “This is a must”. When saying that there will always be a big reaction it is leading the person to believe that every time a person wears this makeup, people will notice and have a reaction. When people do not notice, it might lower the person's self esteem. There are also many people who do not wear makeup. By saying that wearing these products is a must, it causes the reader to feel bad about themselves. It makes them feel like they are below people that do use this product. It may also cause them to think they are ugly or not pretty enough.

Another technique that this ad uses is explicit claims. Within the quote, it is claimed that “with COVERGIRL, it’s easy as 1,2,3”. For people who use makeup frequently, putting this makeup on might be an easy task for them. However, for people who do not use makeup a lot, this may be a difficult task. This is also misleading because more than likely she did not put on all that makeup herself. Before posing for the pictures, she may have had someone else, or a team of people, helping make sure her makeup is perfect.

This ad does not contain how much each product costs. It advertises how great each product is but it does not tell people how much they will have to spend to buy these products. It also does not explain how much of the product a person would have to put on in order to look like the woman in the pictures.

The message that this ad sends is that when going out, girls should be wearing COVERGIRL makeup. They should change the way they look by adding multiple types of products in order to make people look at them. Not everyone wears makeup and should not feel like they have to.

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