Should We follow the lives, words, and actions of famous people? | Teen Ink

Should We follow the lives, words, and actions of famous people?

January 7, 2016
By Elistia BRONZE, Weymouth, Massachusetts
Elistia BRONZE, Weymouth, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

As a young person, each day I am preparing myself to become an adult. Preparing for adulthood is realizing that some people are more privileged than others. However, the world comes with people who are born into wealthy families, with billions of dollars, or even fame. Then you have the ones who fit into the categories of not too poor or too rich, taking life one day at a time, and trying to make it somewhere. Last but not least there are the people who have no food to eat, nor even a roof over their head. People tend to fail at putting themselves in other human beings’ shoes.  We do not realize how they are feeling because we are not the ones in that particular situation. This then relates to how "famous people", say that they understand "us regular folks" everyday struggles. I disagree: we shouldn't follow the lives, words, and actions, of people who don’t want or need for anything because they tend to fail at setting good examples for us.

Why should we follow the lives, words, and actions of famous people? Do we as people even think about these conflicts anymore? The conflicts of having celebrities’ thinking that the world revolves around them, or acting negatively just to receive some publicity. Maybe it's because we are not seeing the big picture.  Famous people are human beings just like us. They come out of a womb, they need water to survive, they bleed, they feel pain they are not gods. We shouldn't want to live the same exact life as a famous person, because they make mistakes just as we do. We look at them as if they have no flaws. What I truly believe is that money can change who you are. In the outside, it can make your whole appearance change. I feel that the majority of celebrities’ cover up who they really are just because they want to be accepted by society. We see a beautiful, or handsome person from their appreance. But do we really KNOW them? An author by the name of Shelia Kohler wrote a post about "Why are we fascinated by celebrities?"  She talks about how as a young girl; a Queen came to her town. There was a crowd of people there just to come see her. She then asked her readers "Is there anything extraordinary about this women?" No because she gets bruised, and heartbroken just like anyone else. She has to pay bills, and attend doctor appointments just like anyone else. But people still then follow them, read about their lives, and revere their deeds. Kohler then speaks on how "We love to identify with someone who seems to lead a perfect life and to follow the vicissitudes of this life which, of course, we know, is never perfect." The true reality of that woman is that she was a queen of heroine. People don't know what goes on in a famous person’s life. She too can be addicted to drugs. Is that the life you would want to follow?

There's a great possibility that if a person is a celebrity they don’t want or need for anything. Famous people have money, luxury cars, and many houses. An average person cannot afford such a lifestyle.  People then try so hard to be something they're not. There are people that will try to buy a $1,000 dress they know they can’t afford because the average person will then feel better about themselves. But I say be yourself, you’re beautiful either way. Many say that famous people are good role models, who give back to their communities. I agree that people should take those steps to help make positive outcomes in the world, but what about the celebrities’ who don't. What about the selfish ones who take matters into their own hands? A few years ago at the VMA awards, Taylor Swift won the award for best artist. It was her moment to shine, but it was rudely interrupted, by rapper Kanye west. He obnoxiously came up to the stage, took the mic out of her hands, and said to the crowd that she did not deserve that award. This is absolutely okay though, because this is the type of publicity some celebrities’ hope for. Then people give them so much attention for the negativity they have caused. This is not the only time Kanye has shown why we shouldn’t follow famous people. It was "YEZZYS" concert and he wanted the crowd to stand. One-woman remand sitting, but he said he would not start the concert back up until she was standing. If Kanye would have taken the time to notice she was in a wheel chair, he wouldn’t have acted so ignorant. This goes to show that famous people aren’t always the best examples to follow.

You can be a dropout, with bad morals, and no degree, but as long as you are beautiful, with money, and 100K Instagram followers, you are considered famous.  We tend to look up to those types of people, we often don’t really know who that person really is. If we take the time to see who our “Idols" are, then maybe, just maybe some good would come out of it. Until then I do not believe we should follow the lives, actions, or words, of famous people because they do not know my, or every other average person’s struggle. Not every famous person is someone whose footsteps should be followed. People should not be obsessive over celebrities, because they're human just like us. People have to realize who set good examples, and those who do not.

The author's comments:

I felt this would be a popular topic to dicuss, because the media is always giving public attention to celeberties weather its negative or positive. We as people are always their audience and sometimes we don't even notice.

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