I Believe | Teen Ink

I Believe

October 13, 2011
By jennyferl10 SILVER, Cumberland, Rhode Island
jennyferl10 SILVER, Cumberland, Rhode Island
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The natives of the Hawaiian Islands are also very friendly and treat everyone like family, “ohana”.

As I opened my eyes for the first time and took a fresh gulp of air, the world seemed perfect. My family had brought me into the world and welcomed me with open arms. I have grown a lot both physically and mentally in those fourteen years of my life. Through the years I faced times of both joy and sorrow, times of hardship as well as effortless situations. No matter what the circumstances, there was a group of people that always had my back: my family.

Growing up can be hard at times, especially when there are injustices and discrimination. I could not have gotten through the difficult times without my family’s love and support. My friends also helped me, but my family has always been there for me no matter what was going on. I believe that family is the most important thing in life. I feel that I could not be nearly as confident or successful without the support of my family. Whenever I am discouraged, they are there to help and cheer me up, despite how they are feeling, and I would do the same for them. A strong family stays together and my family is always there to stick together and stand up for each other.

At this age, many people think that friends are the most important thing in life and that hanging out with friends is better than spending time with family. I think making time for both friends and family is essential to having a balanced life. I also think that, although it is good to have friends, family is forever and family should come before friends. Sometimes friends can neglect us, turning to other people who they think will make them more popular. Friends can also get into fights that seem to never get resolved and often end up ruining their relationship. However, when my family members get into a fight, after a day we forgive one another and do not hold a grudge against each other. In my life, I sometimes have to deal with friends that judge me and think that what is on the outside is more significant than what is on the inside. On the other hand, family members love each other unconditionally. Also, my family does not judge me from the outside, but they love me for my personality and what is on the inside. My mom always tells me “beauty is on the inside”. I do not have to try to change the way I am to get my family to like me; they love me for who I am and they do not want me to change into someone I am not.

Sometimes my friends get envious of things I do. They then reject me and try to get back at me by trying to make me jealous. Once I was going to audition for a play with one of my friends. I was excited to audition, because I knew that I would have a good time with my friend. My family encouraged me and wanted me to do well, but being the busy family we are, forgot the date of the audition. My friend went without me, got a part in the play and started bragging about the fun she was having practicing for the production. I felt anger towards my friend, because she did not remind me about the audition, yet she reminded her other friend to audition so they would be in the play without me. My friend decided to ignore me, because she hoped to get a major role in the play and she wanted to be with another friend instead of me. She was also jealous about a previous play that we auditioned for together, because I got the part that she had wanted. Seeing me as a threat, she decided not to include me in auditioning for this play.

My family would never exclude me to be with someone else or disregard me. They would also put aside their jealousy, and be supportive and proud of me. Many of my friends accept me as I am and do not ask me to change. Several of my close friends act like family to me and I even treat them like they are part of my family. Although some of my friends may be treated like family, my blood-related family is very special to me.

My family has a special bond that I do not have with anyone else. It is almost like an understanding and trust that we all share. I know that no matter what happens, I can trust my family with anything and I can rely on the fact that they will be always be there for me. In my family, we work as a team, we have each others’ backs and we are not afraid to stand up for one another. Within a family there is special love and support that help make being a family so important. We share beliefs and emotions, and try to never let one another down. Through the good times and the bad, my family is there for me and will always be.

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This article has 2 comments.

Kenzie510 said...
on Nov. 3 2011 at 3:19 pm
I love this. Great job!

CoachLisa said...
on Nov. 3 2011 at 10:40 am
Great article by such a young woman!!! keep up the good work