The Ideal Friend | Teen Ink

The Ideal Friend

May 23, 2013
By Sean Miller BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
Sean Miller BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Difference Between Good And Ideal

According to The American Heritage High School Dictionary, a friend is a person whom one knows, likes, and trusts. That's mostly correct but leaves out a few characteristics that make the IDEAL friend. An ideal friend is someone whom you trust and like to interact with. An ideal friend is

someone that respects you and your opinions. An ideal friend is someone you can tell your darkest secrets to without judgment, or help you through any problems you may have. An ideal friend would never be someone that you enjoy to only "hang out" with. Though that’s part of it, friendship should be deeper than that.
In the novel The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, a young boy named Amir, and his father Baba, move to the United States to escape danger from the Russians. The book begins in 1975, just before Afghanistan was invaded by the Soviet Union in December of 1979. Before they had left, Amir had a friend. He was named Hassan. Hassan was a worker for his Amir’s father. Hassan was an ideal friend to Amir and Amir was an awful friend to Hassan. One day after a kite fighting tournament, that Amir had won, Hassan was attacked and raped by a young boy named Assef after chasing the kite that had lost in the final round of the tournament. Amir walked into the alley to save Hassan and became scared and left. Amir has a problem with standing up for others, let alone himself. This is something that Baba is not proud of. Leaving Hassan to be attacked and then raped. Amir is a bad friend because he abandoned Hassan when he was needed the most. Amir had many options. He could have gotten help or tried to handle the situation by himself but ran off only thinking of himself.
Hassan is an ideal friend because he has always been kind to Amir. He is trustworthy and never blamed Amir for what happened. Amir, while drowning in guilt, tried to have Hassan fired by making it seem as if he had stolen a watch. Hassan blamed himself when he never did it. He took the blame and the punishment. That shows that Hassan would never turn on Amir. An ideal friend would never turn on their friend, or blame them, or abandon them exactly like Amir did. And that he is a better friend than Amir. Hassan was never upset by what Amir had done, either in the alley or not.
The Kite Runner defines the ideal friend as someone who won't abandon you or leave you to fight your battles alone, someone who will help you if you need it. And Amir definitely is not that.
An ideal friend is someone who is trustworthy and will never judge you. They also must be understanding and respectful of your opinions. An ideal friend will help you fight your battles and never leave you to fight them alone. An ideal friend is definitely not Amir, an ideal friend is Hassan.

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