Everyone's a Critic | Teen Ink

Everyone's a Critic

January 20, 2022
By Anonymous

Whenever I want to watch a movie, I use YouTube or Tik Tok to see reviews and recaps of movies to see if I should watch that movie. People listen to critics to find out what to do, see, or listen to next. I know a lot of people that can’t wait for the next Anthony Fantano review, or for their favorite creator on BookTok to post, but what makes these critics allowed to criticize?
Every piece of media has a demographic. No matter the director, writer, singer, or anything in between, the artist has an ideal viewer, someone the message is for. It could be everyone, one specific city, or even just one person. Regardless, not everyone is always going to have the full story.

For example, if I were to pick a random kid from a Wisconsin high school, they probably wouldn’t have a valid take on a genre like underground hip-hop, which was popularized in areas of New York. Everyone can have an opinion on art, but not all art was made for everyone.

There are many different genres, all with different feels and messages. The sad, sultry sounds of midwestern indie rock. The dynamic lyricism of alternative hip-hop. The “BAM! In your face!” volume of death metal. Because of all of this, it’s difficult for one critic to review all types of music. The same goes for movies, as there’s such a difference between horror, action, rom-coms, and an even bigger difference between live action and animated movies.

In all, you should criticize. Without criticism, the artists of the world wouldn’t be half as good. Criticism sparks development. But, at the same time, just because you can say that, “All rap is bad,” doesn’t mean you're the target audience. Everyone is allowed to be a critic, but consequentially, everyone is allowed to be held accountable.

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