Teenage Online Addiction | Teen Ink

Teenage Online Addiction

January 17, 2013
By Cottonfuzzykitty BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Cottonfuzzykitty BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How much time do you spend on the Internet? Now really for whatever purposes like checking an email or updating your status on Facebook how much time do you really take out of your day,your year, your life, your future. To do some silly thing on the Internet to burn some time that you could be using to do something better. On the Internet you're just some guy sitting at a table talking to your friends that live a block away. Sure the Internet is great but I think that if people take some time out of there day to do something else, than more can be accomplished and less will be wasted on your laptop. How long do you really spend on your computer?
The average time a teenager stays on the internet is 3-6 hours a day. That could be good, or it could be bad. Some kids that have a high chance of succeeding in the field of technology, they could have a great future and it's all thanks to spending his or her free time on the internet learning how to do things. While on the other hand a kids future could be jeopardized because he or she decided it was better to post a photo on instagram instead of doing his homework. Although the field of technologie is a great field to work in, some kids take it to a level that even interferes with state law were the kid could end up in jail for illegal activity such as downloading free music, to interrogating another child online. This is also bad for him or her that is doing the act, but the unlucky person that is also being interrogated and could interfere with their lives as well.
Hundreds of teens talk, show, message, and share photos of themselves all over the internet. The internet is a spacious place. You could meet anyone at any time. They could be a few towns down or in a different country, how are you to know what you're child is doing. All of the content posted and created online is always there and no matter its genre, it can be their. From your child watching unapproved pornography to video chatting online with a friend, the internet is never a safe place for anyone even adults. Most of children that view things like this can suffer from trauma and think of themselves and other in a completely different way because of these things. It can change their entire perspective on everything. People lie and scavenger the internet to subliminally change how you think, same as advertisements on tv to manipulate your way of thinking. Your child could think how most stereotypes think and potentially ruin their social life and thinking. Is the internet really as safe as you think it is?
Scientists have conducted tests on the effects the internet can do to the average teenager, and the results were not great. The scientists watched as the child's friends and family raged in aggravation as the teenagers refused to study, talk, eat, and even leave their own room because of the internets addictive status upon everyone in the household. Grades fell and times the student spent increased without parental interference and was in the range of 4-7 hours a day. That is 1 hour of more internet a day than the state average of addicted teens. Is the internet really worth more than your life?
In conclusion when you show your child to the Internet, don't always expect the greatest outcome. Your sharp, intelligent, well rounded, and focused student, without your help, could end up living in a completely different lifestyle from then on due to how you manage their time spent doing what they want, and when they want. Only will teens really benefit your help, if what your help comes from where you actually care about their problems. If people spent less time on the Internet, then more can be accomplished and less will be blown into thin air.

The author's comments:
This article is about how teenagers are spending to much time on the internet, and not enough time studying and working in different fields of entertainment outdoors.

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s8n said...
on May. 29 2019 at 5:13 pm
s8n, Hell, Alabama
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oops, forgot I don't exist. Forget I was here

s8n said...
on May. 29 2019 at 5:11 pm
s8n, Hell, Alabama
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