Thug activist | Teen Ink

Thug activist

December 21, 2018
By Anonymous

High school students should study Tupac because he experienced police brutality and how police beat black people for no reason and called them n---- , Tupac is awesome and went through a lot of things that most people wouldn’t have made it through. When Tupac used the word n****, he meant it in a brotherly way.

Tupac, the greatest rapper, was born in Harlem, New York in 1971. His mom was a black panther and was very poor which caused them to move around a lot. They ended up moving to California where Tupac and became a  very good poet. As as a young man, he loved to read and write poetry. Bfore rap, he discovered his love for acting, writing and poem writing at the Baltimore School of Arts. He was original and skillfully good at all his poems. As a Young Man Tupac was homeless and dealing with a lot of sacrifices because he was cut short of his high school career because he moved to California. Tupac's  Duality was one side a thug and another side sad Tupac was emotional and he was a man and he was man enough to expose his heart.


Tupac’s poetry was fantastic, because he wrote from personal perspectives he once wrote a poem about how he was in school and they would talk about him because he didn't have the same clothes as they did and made fun of him because he smelled bad, and looked like a square.


High school students should study Tupac because he was educated , and loved to read he gained a lot of knowledge from books and he was literate, Reading also helped tupac’s music and helped him learn about the world’s he is in. Tupac’s reading and literacy also influenced other rappers and hip hop artists to start reading. Tupac believed that schools should help students understand the world that they live in the didn’t , so tupac learned from his mom and the streets but he was always grateful for school.

Tupac’s duality which he acknowledges has his two sides of him which are Thug/idealist tupac’s friends were thugs so he maybe had a thug persona when they were around, he also dealt with unhappiness because he went through racism and poverty “He decried a dysfunctional society”

He also mentions that he was really unhappy because “We didn't listen when he was sad”| he was more willing to write to expose his heart even though he wasn't scared to express his feelings in front of people.

Tupac’s music mostly came from his heart and what he went through and what he felt deep inside, In the data set the author states how tupac loved to express his heart and feeling in his raps, Tupac’s music will always live on because people can relate and reminisce off of his songs.

High school students should study Tupac because he is a thug activist and his voice will always live on through the voice of his people because he always spoke what was right and the things that go on in our society  

The author's comments:

I hope you like it, and learn more about tupac

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