Educational Improvement | Teen Ink

Educational Improvement

October 3, 2019
By Anonymous

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today” quoted by Malcolm X. If education is so important, why are our school systems standards so low? Why have people not done anything about it yet? Even some of our local staff do not seem to care enough to even realize there is an issue occurring. It is unfair to me and others around me to receive any less of an education than a student in a district for higher-rated schools, such as Cramerton Middle or Forestview High School. Every student deserves the best education no matter their income or circumstances. 

I went to a title one school for grades six through eight, so I was able to receive first-hand experience with a poor education. Due to the school not having enough money, they were not able to provide better software, unlike other schools. The staff did not put forth enough effort, which caused the students to become very misbehaved, leading to not only me but the people around me to get distracted. This prohibited me from receiving the best education possible. Over time students' attention spans have become shorter; if there is not enough money, the schools are not able to provide new things for us. We need a fresh and fun environment to give us motivation and allow us to want to learn. 

The information given to students and assignments as well are as important as the people around them and the environment they are in. When teachers do not thoroughly explain topics and all they do is give out packets, or essays, students become stacked with work to do begin to stress themselves out. This has happened to me throughout my entire school experience. In Civics and Economics Honors with Mr. Beverly, we are constantly given assignments on top of assignments, which causes me to constantly worry and stress myself out in that class. Stress is good here and there to keep you on your toes, but to be constantly stressed and doubting yourself is unhealthy, and it causes me to not even want to come to school.

Aside from all the material things, receiving a good education is not just determined by how much money the school has, but it also has to do with having a good environment and encouraging staff. We as students cannot show growth at school if there are not good surroundings and good staff who motivate and encourage students to be their best. Ashbrook is definitely better than my middle school because I know that the teachers actually care about my education and they challenge me to go beyond what I know. An example of this is whenever I even walk through the doors of Mrs. Ritchie’s class, she gives us an assignment and encourages us to do it and put in full effort throughout the entire class period. There is never a moment where I am in Ashbrook and feel unsafe or as if I am not cared about by the staff members at this school. 

Yes, it is important that the staff shows they care, but it is just as important as their discipline. “Over 90% of students at charter schools of the Harlem Children’s Zone are going on to college”. Charter schools are strictly set to a specific routine of things to do and have very strict grounds, unlike Ashbrook, where they are more laid-back, but it is not to a point where I feel as if I could run through the hallway screaming, but to a point where I feel as though I do not have to strictly do specific things. The staff members at my middle school did not have a strict disciplinary system, which caused the students around me to feel as if they could do anything they wanted. It is distracting, unhelpful and it does not benefit anyone around them. As students, we do better when we are challenged and face disciplinary action when needed, which is something that Ashbrook lacks. Being advanced in this area can help me and other students go far in life. 

Overall, our school system is not the worst; it could always be improved though. Whether it be getting better software or giving out assignments that make students want to learn, even raising money to provide new items for students can help improve our education. A lot of people are aware of the issues were facing but do not care enough to actually do something about it. There are so many ways to help improve our education and it needs to be emphasized and talked about more. In order to make a difference and to change the way things are right now, everyone has to do their part in it, this includes not only the staff, but students as well.

The author's comments:

I am very interested in improving education and making students want to go to school. 

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