Imperfect World | Teen Ink

Imperfect World

October 3, 2019
By sorens BRONZE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
sorens BRONZE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Friday the 13th is a day that people are afraid of. People think that goblins and ghouls stalk you and your friends. But in reality everyday monsters walk the Earth. Murder, death, assault, and hardships are an everyday thing. 

Friday the 13th reminds me that our so called “perfect” world is not so perfect. There is cancer, there is illness, and yet people are worried about monsters and about politics, and what kind of car they have. I know that everyone has their own battle to conquer but sometimes I think we take access to healthcare, the ability to walk, and a nice family for granted. Sometimes I think to myself, our priorities are being mixed up. Cage bingo balls. We need to change our world.

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