Remembering the Fallen, Respecting Sacrifices | Teen Ink

Remembering the Fallen, Respecting Sacrifices

October 28, 2019
By Anonymous

Many soldiers come home to loved ones, yet obstacles stand in the way of a healthy life. Mental illness, disabilities, and other untreated occurrences stall men and women who strive to continue on with life and attempt to forget the things they left behind overseas. Memories bombard the ones who came back, without proper treatment. Voting means helping the soldiers who survived, and who continue to survive. 

For the citizens who risked their lives to fight for our freedom—not only deserve treatment, but they are entitled to it. They are the reason our country is still held as one; bound together with sacrifices, risks, and bravery—each given without return for those who served. Voting means repaying those who give everything without expecting anything.

I’ve been raised by the saying “respect, support, and appreciate those who served.” Both of my parents served in the Army; my father served in three wars and my mother was active for six years; they had drilled it into my head to give thanks to those who gave years of their life—or lost their life—to make this country strong. Those who disrespect the men and women who came back to this country after watching soldiers they knew getting gunned down and passing away in their arms; have no respect for this country. Voting means respect for this country, along with the sacrifices made to keep it strong.   

To former and current troops, voting means they have a chance at a normal life after deadly combat without all the gruesome memories disabling them from reality. To the families of those who served, voting means they can have their loved ones back—the person they missed dearly when gone. To me, voting means getting your family back. 

The author's comments:

This piece represents veterans and the sacrifices they've put into this country and what voting means under those curcumstances.

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