My Vote, My Freedom | Teen Ink

My Vote, My Freedom

October 28, 2019
By 0lenz SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
0lenz SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

    The freedoms I reap are thanks to the votes of those before me. Being able to drive my car to the voting booth in November is possible because of those votes. Being able to work at Erin Hills Golf Course and spend my money on Culver’s is thanks to the votes of those before me. Having the ability to go to a school where I can wear camo pants and adidas sweatshirts and express my opinions and openly have debates is only possible due to the votes of those before me.

    We vote for a person who decides our freedoms and are the face of our country. Our vote represents us. It shows who we think best represents us and our beliefs as Americans. Being able to vote for the first time is the first time I get to represent and support a political candidate who represents me and my beliefs.

   Being able to vote is my first step into the real world and becoming an independent person with independent thoughts. It allows me to express an opinion that others can’t suppress, no matter how much they may want to. My vote shows I don’t sit back and let others decide who runs my country.  


    My vote is a part of history that will always be accounted for. My vote is part of American political history that can’t be erased, like the elections from our countries past that will never be forgotten. Being able to express my political opinion through a vote allows me to be involved in American history, and to be an active member of society. 


I am thankful to be able to support the political candidate who best represents my views on issues in the United States. I am able to have the freedoms I have today because of the votes of those before me, who voted for political candidates that best represented our country. I am thankful that I live in a country where my vote represents my freedom. 

The author's comments:

This is how I believe my right to vote represents my freedom in the country.

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