Pro-life, or Pro-choice? | Teen Ink

Pro-life, or Pro-choice?

January 12, 2021
By Anonymous

Okay, don’t get me wrong. I am totally pro-life. But, I’m also pro-choice. Does that make any sense? Is this even a thing anymore? I just wanted to get my feelings through. Although I don’t believe in abortions, I still believe that if a woman chose to get one, she could if she really wanted to. But, then again, that would be against pro-life. But, being pro-life is being against pro-choice? Now THAT makes no sense. How can someone be against letting someone choose while being for keeping the baby? The baby isn’t yours, and you aren’t the one who *supposedly* got raped and pregnant. No one has the choice of what to do besides the woman who is choosing to do it. Thank you for listening to my ted talk.

The author's comments:

Attack me all you want, I thought it needed to be said.

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