Hollaback! The Movement to Stop Harassment | Teen Ink

Hollaback! The Movement to Stop Harassment

May 20, 2021
By saniyaimare BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
saniyaimare BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In 2005, seven people came together to talk about harassment and how it has been an issue for themselves, for people they know, and for society. Lauren Larken Scuderi, Kaja Trejak, Samuel Carter, Anna Weichselbraun, Colin Weatherby, Emily May, and Elan Abrell were the names of the starters of “Hollaback!”. They used Thao Nguyen’s story about how she was sexually harassed to make a blog about stories of how people, manly women and members of the LGBTQ+, handle and had experiences harassment. For over 16 years, this company has done many things to help others and they have even won awards for their work. The reason I chose this blog about harassment, is because harassment has been happening for so many years and for so many different reasons, whether it is based off of someone’s disability, gender, sexuality, race, age, religion, etc., it does not matter because there are people who do not understand everyone and the choices they make in life. An example of harassment that I have learned about in school is the harassment of Jewish women during the Holocaust 1933-45. During the Holocaust, Jews were harassed in so many ways, the women were harassed in so many, but they were mostly sexually harassed. From what I read, Jewish women were beaten, r*ped, murdered, experimented on, harassed, and yelled at. I feel like this situation in history related to the blog because they both focus on harassment and what it does to the words.

Bev­er­ley Chalmers July 31, 2020. “Sexual Abuse in the Holocaust.” Jewish Book Council, 30 July 2020, www.jewishbookcouncil.org/pb-daily/sexual-abuse-in-the-holocaust.

“Jewish Women in the Holocaust.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 17 May 2021, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_women_in_the_Holocaust.

!, Hollaback. “History and Accomplishments.” Hollaback! Together We Have the Power to End Harassment, 2020, www.ihollaback.org/about/programs-awards-and-funders/.

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