Puppet on a Stage | Teen Ink

Puppet on a Stage

July 10, 2023
By LeenAwamleh SILVER, Al-Salt, Other
LeenAwamleh SILVER, Al-Salt, Other
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Spread your wings,
It's time to fly.
Make the leap.
Own the sky.

Lives are lost, laws are not enforced, welcome to the Arab world where women being killed and the criminal go unpunished. It is a recurring tragedy, leaving women restricted, deprived, and oppressed, with no right to refuse or express themselves.

They are treated as subordinates, restrained by societal customs that demean and diminish their worth. and if they dared to resist, they are either silenced or even killed. Women have become mere puppets in a play, manipulated by society on the theatrical stage.

Enough injustice and oppression against women.

we are humans as men. 

The author's comments:

this piece were written where a lot of innocents women were killed because they just refused to marry 

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