It is not silencing, it's excluding | Teen Ink

It is not silencing, it's excluding

May 12, 2024
By patrycjawanat BRONZE, Rajsko, Other
patrycjawanat BRONZE, Rajsko, Other
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What are councils? Are they a fictional, political body? Is it a random group of people doing nothing? They could be changemakers and social influencers, representing youth, making their voice heard, and being considered when making decisions. Youth is not just a large part of society, but the future generation of adults, the subsequent prominent decision-makers. They have the potential to be them today, to shape the world they live in. 

I come from a small village called Rajsko, close to Oświęcim, a historical city. Most secondary schools are in Oswiecim County, so most high school students attend. Teenagers, because of this, spend a lot of their time in Oswiecim—after all, their educational path takes place there. It also "connects" every area nearby, so if friends live further away and know each other from school, their central meet-up spot will be in Oswiecim.

If youth go to Oswiecims secondary schools, they should have their youth council in this county, like in other counties in Poland. However, there is a youth council in Oswieicm - but for city youth attending primary schools! 

It's disheartening to note that youth from high schools aren't even allowed to be a member of the existing Youth Council. Only the youth in primary schools who are already in their school's student council are eligible. This exclusion of high school students from the Oswiecim Youth Council means that a significant portion of the youth population needs to be represented. We need to change this. 

The councils want to avoid troubles or changes, and obviously, older youth will be more engaged and more aware that they can make changes, so the adult council wants to avoid any issues. We want this to change.

We want a youth council that includes students from rural areas and the cities, both secondary school students, those who finished secondary school and those who are currently working or in university. We want a youth council of youth from 14 to 23.

That is a lot of wants. That is true - the more we know what we want, the more we can make it happen. Every goal without a plan is just a dream, so we are taking actual action. Both words and actions have power.

I have taken concrete steps to advocate for the creation of the MRPO, which in translation is the Youth Council of Oswiecim County. We are actively participating in workshops organized by Europe4Youth on youth politics and participation in society. We have strategically placed posters for signing the petition around schools, sent it to the local press, and distributed it across Oswiecim, from libraries to cultural organizations. I am currently working on the statute of the YC and have designed the logo. These are just a few examples of our extensive work behind the scenes to make this youth council a reality. 

As more people become aware of this issue, as more support is garnered, and as more people sign the petition, the chance that the adult council will recognize the need for an official youth council will increase. This council could be a platform for the youth to engage in society, help their peers, and make real changes. It's not just a want; it's a necessity for our community.

How about you—maybe you should start creating a youth council in your area. If you don't do politics, politics will do you. If a youth council already exists in your area (you are lucky and privileged; however, I believe it should be a right, not a privilege), then why not join it? 

We are not sponges meant to soak in information at school; we have a voice, so we might as well use it. So, what are you going to do now to have an impact?

The author's comments:

I want us, young people, to have our voices heard. It is not silencing, as we do not even have a voice to silence in the first place - it is a form of social exclusion. I want to persuade at least one person to engage in their community and make a change. Also, if you think one person can't change a thing, have you ever heard a mosquito fly at night? It is just one thing; it should make no difference in your sleep...;)

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