Technology: The New Drug | Teen Ink

Technology: The New Drug

December 30, 2012
By Courtney Jenkins BRONZE, Ocala, Florida
Courtney Jenkins BRONZE, Ocala, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Technology is the most successful thing man has ever made. It has so many uses, and how could we ever survive without it? No one could call a long distant family member or even try to find a cure for a new disease. These devices and machines of today have simplified our lives, and may even continue into something more advanced. The only problem is we rely on it to much.

The issue with the world today is that no one will ever really know the true nature of living in the moment. Instead of doing an outrageous activity like skydiving, we basically just sit back and watch some else do it on a computer. We as a new generation are being sucked in by the digital world we've created. It’s truly sad to say that you can never really feel the joy your parents did as a child. They didn't spend time on computers. They spent time playing with friends outside.

When I was a lot younger, I would actually play outside almost all hours of the day! I would bring a bunch of my toys out into the hot weather, pretend I was a super hero or a princess, swing on a playground, or even take a swim in a nice cold pool. Nowadays, I just sit on the computer for hours, just wasting my time away, playing games or browsing on social media websites. It’s actually pretty sad to think about. I miss being my younger self.

To everyone and anyone that has the problem of being on your devices to long, like I do, we should all try to give them up for at least one day out of our lives. Go outside and enjoy what’s out there. Go on a camping trip, ride a bike, kick a ball, and just completely have fun! Get fresh air and enjoy the real world, instead of the digital. It’s been waiting for you. It’s been waiting for you all along.

The author's comments:
I hope this piece helps people do other things besides use their devices all the time.

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This article has 1 comment.

spanky1098 said...
on Jan. 8 2013 at 8:29 pm
AWESOME!!  Very well said;];]