Government | Teen Ink


January 18, 2013
By Anonymous

In the world that we live in now, everybody seems to rely on the government for their entire decision making. Do you need the government to tell you what you can and can’t do? Do you really think the government should control your every move? Do you think the free people do better when not controlled by the government?

In John Stossel’s TV special, he mentioned about the big oil spill that happened recently in the gulf. When an oil spill happens, the government takes over and has their workers clean it up. The workers clean up the spill but it takes them a while. The longer it takes for them the clean it up, the harder it is going to be to clean up all the oil in the ocean. And obviously, it will be more expensive.
Stossel decided to create a contest to see what group can invent an idea to remove oil from the ocean quickest. He let anyone join and he had a big money prize at the end. When the contest came to an end, the winners ended up inventing an idea that could clean up the oil three times faster than the original method the government employers had. This is an example of how the government cannot do everything and without it groups and individuals can find ways to do things better.

For the government to pay the workers, it is we the people paying them by our taxes. Is that what you want? For the taxes to be raised due to our roads being plowed by the government employers, or the security guards at the airport securing you when they aren’t even that friendly and don’t catch everything?

In the winter season in states, it snows. The government hires men/women to get on the roads in the early morning to plow the highway and your back roads. But do you really need the government to pay for that? If the government didn’t pay them, that could create more jobs by making a business out of that. Us free people, could get up in the morning and plow the roads. If us free people plowed the roads instead of the government paid employees, they would do a better job and maybe love what they’re doing. Do us tax payers need to pay for them to plow our roads?

At all airports but one, the TSA security workers are controlled by the government. The government controls the hiring, jobs, what to do, how to do it, regulations, and what they can and cannot do. The airports that are controlled by the government are known to not be as efficient in catching the bombs or bad things that people bring in their suitcases. At the airport that is not controlled by the government, it has been more successful in finding the crimes and bombs that are taken into the airport. With all the rules and regulations that come along with getting hired to be a TSA worker, studies show that at the airport that is controlled by other businesses has a lot more success because they have more lenient rules and can do what they feel is right and better to find illegal things.

If that sort of success happens in the TSA world at airports, wouldn’t that happen in the teaching world as well? If a school were to open and have employees be hired by business people and not the government, I feel as if the teachers would be a lot better. With the rules they have to go by, the teachers don’t get to teach the way they really wish they could. I feel is the teachers were controlled by a smaller business, they would teach a lot better and students would be able to learn how their brain can learn, not how the government thinks everyone can learn.
Is it really that necessary to have the government control how you work? The U.S can control how they work and how they chose to work. Not everybody needs to have the government control them.

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