Parents, Get Involved! | Teen Ink

Parents, Get Involved!

February 14, 2013
By Anonymous

"You can tell a child is growing up when he stops asking where he came from and starts refusing to tell where he is going." - Unknown. Some common teen phrases about their parents are "They never let me go anywhere." Or "They're always yelling at me for no reason." Then some parent phrases about their teen kids are "They never tell me anything." Or "They're always in a bad mood." Both parents and teens think they're right but are they? Can both be right? Parents think teens are always in a bad mood, but everyone has their moments, even you as a parent. In my opinion parents should get more involved in their kids’ lives. Not just saying "okay" when their child says "I'm going out". When I go out my mom asks me so many questions but I know it’s only because she wants to know I'm going to be safe, even if it does irritate me every time.

When I mean more involved, I mean checking up on us in school, know who our friends are and what we do with them. Doing this won’t take up your whole day or month or year. Just a few times a month just to make sure we're doing okay. Also helping us with our homework wouldn't hurt, not everyday though, because then we'd depend too much on you. I know you as a parent might have a very busy schedule but clearing it for ten or fifteen minutes wouldn't kill you. If you decide not to though, it's okay, just don't complain when your child comes home and tells you he/she is failing some classes. If you didn't help, you have no right to complain. That simple.

Our friends and partner is also something you should be updated about. Friends fight, and sometimes one argument can lead to something more serious. You should know about this and be careful, because angry teens aren't pretty. A lot of them think beating the other one up would make them more superior. It's just a teen thing. Also our partner. As a teen I know that we like our privacy with our partners but sometimes that privacy can lead to something more serious. I'm not going to tell you what to do if your child is sexually active because every parent reacts differently, but just be aware of the possible consequences that might occur.

From the things I've seen during my teen years I can honestly say my generation really needs some fixing. We have kids who do drugs, or drink or smoke, also known as the potheads. There are also the pretty, rich, "perfect" kids also known as the popular ones. I can go on and on but I'm only telling you this so you know what your child might be surrounded by. They might even be part of one group. Groups are pretty common these days. I’m also informing you about this because if maybe these kids parents paid more attention to them there wouldn’t be potheads or bullies or emos or the "easy" kids.

As a teen I'm expected to act like an adult, but much of the adults around me treat me like a kid. I sometimes think people expect too much from me. I'm definitely not the only teen that goes through this. This is the last thing I'll tell you. We're teens and we want to enjoy life as much as we can before we have to face the real world out there by ourselves. I hit the basic things you should worry about when it comes to your teen kids life. Like sex, school, friends and partners. I've given you some things to do if you want to Improve your child's future. They might hate you for being involved now in their personal life but they will appreciate it in the future. In case they didn't know just, inform them that you were once a teen too, and you know exactly what it's like. You've probably gone through the mood swings, heartbreaks, and relationships most teens go through. As a good parent though, I'm sure you'll know what to do in other cases.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this article when i kept seeing pictures on the internet of young kids wearing so much make up and posing as if they were in a modeling competition. When I saw that, I thought that the parents should be educating their kids properly.

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