John Steinbeck's Vision of Lonelieness : The Same Today, Yet Different | Teen Ink

John Steinbeck's Vision of Lonelieness : The Same Today, Yet Different

April 13, 2013
By Anonymous

The definition of loneliness is described as a feeling of isolation and abandonment. In John Steinbeck's novel, "Of Mice and Men", loneliness is portrayed amongst the characters of the novel. For example, the characters play a game of solitaire, meaning by ones' self, which is a one man game. Another example of loneliness is a man name Crooks, Crooks is a African American stable-hand. He is isolated from the other men because of the color of his skin, so he lives on his own in a different shed.

Loneliness is still among us today, and it will always be. But it will not be the same as John Steinbeck's novel, but yet it is a serious issue. It's not the same today because there is more acceptance of people and their differences today. Even though John Steinbeck's novel is based during the Great Depression, loneliness can come in different forms in different eras or generations. As advancements of machinery and technology progress forward, from personal conversations, to writing letters, to making telephone calls, loneliness can still exist. Today, technology is probably the biggest factor of loneliness. Why? Because teens today can simply just text or Instant Message each other and it shows no emotions whats so ever! How can you see or even feel emotions through a text or IM? Wait, you cant! That's why I think so many teens feel lonely, because they might be going through a crisis and they need help or advice from a friend. But the closest thing to advice over a text or IM is, "Ur going 2 be okay". Did you sense any emotion in that? Because I sure didn't. I remember when I was a kid and I wanted to hang out with a friend, I just simply called their house. But as technology has improves, relationships among people go down.

Loneliness can have effects on people. It will make people feel insecure about themselves, they will feel left out, and will feel alone in the world. No matter on what your age is, you will still experience loneliness. So if you're going through a tough time and seek some advice and encouragement, call up one of your friends or family members and ask for some help. It's that simple. Because there is a difference between being alone and lonely.

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