World Hunger | Teen Ink

World Hunger

May 24, 2013
By Lucky Ferguson BRONZE, Nampa, Idaho
Lucky Ferguson BRONZE, Nampa, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

World Hunger

World hunger is a really broad topic to talk about, but I guess I’ll be talking about it. Lots of people around the world are constantly dying of starvation every day and that’s why we desperately need to put an end to it. Why is America so greedy with its food? We have lots of food with lots to spare including all those cans of beans and greens stuck in pantries in average houses. All those lazy teenagers (totally not me) complain there isn’t anything to eat when they’re bored and hungry. How does that insult the kind of people we need to support every day? We need to set aside our differences and bring food to the world.

Africa is probably the worst in suffering under these cruel conditions. No food for days: only grains of rice, water from the ocean, etc. I believe we, as a country, need to step up and support our peers. What if we had to live under these conditions? What if no one helped us in surviving this horrible nightmare? No way of escaping. That’s why we need to free them from their nightmares and bring a shine to this world. So maybe freshly prepared cakes and soup isn’t really a good idea to transport to Africa from here, but we can still deliver canned foods. Many places in our country (and hopefully around the world) are already taking a step forward and are starting canned food drives and similar things. This isn’t enough though. Our whole country must take action against the viciousness of hunger.

I’ve watched enough T.V. to figure out that there is this whole issue about bullying and how actions are being taken. How are more people supporting bullying in OUR country than hungry people in another country? There is one answer—T.V. I’ve seen more programs on T.V. with commercials supporting bullying than anything else. Lots of people watch T.V., so why not throw in some world hunger commercials while they’re at it? I realize not everybody has the money to go out and buy a lot of food to just give away to Africa and everywhere else, but if every person in the country were to donate 2 or so cans of food, we’d have millions and millions (probably billions) of canned foods to give! The government could also help out drastically because they have lots of money. And think about it this way, when a fellow country gets food, those people become stronger as well as become new friends. And as they grow stronger, they could support us back by joining the military and we would receive more troops to make the world a better place.

Fixing the problem of world hunger will not only make everybody’s problems go away, but it will also create world peace, that one thing we’ve always needed since the start of the world. The more we give out, the more gratefulness we get coming in. Think about a world where nobody is at war and nobody has any enemies. That would be one heck of a world. The population of America is pretty high, but if were to get allied forces such as Canada or Mexico to chip in, we could have around half of the world supporting world hunger. I’ve known people back in Virginia, where I used to live, who have dreamed about a better world. They’ve wanted the world so peaceful that aliens should be able to find us and appreciate us. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say, let’s end world hunger.

As long as there are supporters out there for world hunger, we can always keep this going. Remember that if every person in America were to donate 1 or 2 cans of food (and that’s all) then millions and millions of food could be transported. Never forget that world hunger could be ended if many were to cooperate and take action as many have already. More still need to join in and support. Imagine the sight of a world with no problems. World hunger is definitely something that is important to everyone.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this piece was the idea that world hunger was such an issue and I feel that most people should join in and support the whole thing.

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Hlodkdn said...
on Feb. 27 2017 at 9:46 pm
you are very gifted you should write more