causes and possible solutions for divorce rates and family breakdowns | Teen Ink

causes and possible solutions for divorce rates and family breakdowns

October 16, 2013
By JoycePoon SILVER, Hong Kong, Other
JoycePoon SILVER, Hong Kong, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When there's a will, there's a way.

Nowadays, families are not as close as before due to the fact that divorce rates and family breakdowns are rocketing rapidly. In this essay, I intend to discuss the reasons why it happens and suggest a number of possible solutions to it.
In terms of working hours, no matter workers or businessmen, they all have to work overtime and so they do not have time to gather with their families. Long hours spending in workplace, therefore, is one of the causes of this issue. Meanwhile, people have different mindsets than their counterparts in old times – most of the new generation do not take marriage seriously that they think they could get married or divorced whenever they have arguments with their lovers. Consequently, the figures of divorce cases are climbing dramatically these days.
In order to resolve the issue, we should first address the root cause – long working hours of employees (aka parents). It should be the responsibility of the government to provide financial aids to poor families. Children could be nourished in a better environment with at less one of their parents at home, looking after them without stressing for basic living necessities. In that sense, apart from taking care of the kids, people who receive aids could facilitate closer communication with their families. Admittedly, such aid could not fully cover the lost income; however, it could at less soften their hardship of having difficulties to make ends meet. One further measure would be holding more leisure and fun social activities such as carnivals for families to engage. It might improve the relationship among them.
By way of conclusion, I firmly believe that this problem could not be tackled without a blink of an eye. Nevertheless, we should take one step at a time and hope for the best.

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