Double Face | Teen Ink

Double Face

December 16, 2013
By mariatoluca BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
mariatoluca BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I want an IPhone. I guess everybody wants one, but not everybody can afford one. I am one of those who can’t afford one. But why all teens and including me have to focused on materials things instead of schoolwork.

In this period of time we all worry about how we look. Who dresses better or even whom worse the best shoes. Who cares who has the best make up or the brained new eyeliner that is coming up? We even go online to check the best clothes that the American eagle or Hollister that are having. Or why should we show are bellies or the private parts of our pure body. I don’t think we need this at all.

God doesn’t need a perfection in humans that’s why he didn’t create one, at least that’s my believed. Your mom and dad will love you no matter what. They will try to give you what they can afford with. There’s not need to worry about it every time you go out, go to school or a party. There will be persons who will love by who you are. I don’t think they will judge you if you don’t have make up on.

You cannot be what you can’t see. Don’t try to look like somebody else. Everyone is original nobody can replace no body. We are all humans and we need to accept us. I don’t think a girl need make up or even the nicest perfume to look beautiful. I don’t like the fact they prejudice by your looks. 30 years from now we might not even care if your hair stays in place. Instead of worrying about appearance, why not worrying about being better and care more about the ones who surrounded around us.

This world totally needs a change, but we all are making it worse. I don’t think make up will covered the dark spots like it does to our face or skin. If we all instead of worrying about our looks, focused to be more kind and nice to other people.

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