Facebook | Teen Ink


January 6, 2014
By Schaaaazam BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Schaaaazam BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There has been a lot of arguing going on about do teens share too much on social networks and i say they do. There are many reasons why i say they do and i am going to support why i say yes.

To start it off teens never really think about turning on privacy settings so everything you and your friends information can be seen by anyone. Some may argue that they have their privacy settings on but that does not mean that your all your friends have it to. It only takes one friend for someone to see your profile.

Another reason why I think teens share too much on social networks is that some teens post pictures that they would not want their family to see but they do it anyways to be like there friends.

The next reason why is that some post that they are leaving to go on a trip or vacation. If you do that without privacy settings all the other person needs to do is find where you live and then you are going to have a visitor.

Some people even put their address on and still don’t think twice about putting privacy settings on. Some may argue that they don’t have their address on their profile but they can still find it through someone else but all you need to do is put privacy settings on.

So from all of that it should be easy enough to now know that the best way to keep people of your profile is to turn on privacy settings.But of course another easy way is to pay close attention on what you are posting and remember when you go home to turn on your privacy settings.

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