Manditory School Sports | Teen Ink

Manditory School Sports

January 23, 2014
By Jordyshenker BRONZE, Roslyn, New York
Jordyshenker BRONZE, Roslyn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind

Dear parents,

Why let your child sit home after a boring and inactive day at school? Making school sports required in public schools will disable that non productive choice for them. Exercising in a person's life is key to staying healthy. Engaging in exercising provides a path to losing weight, building endurance and stamina, and allowing them to begin to absorb the feeling of participating in hard work.

Some kids in the school may not have such an amazing athletic ability at all. This would also mean that they probably would not receive the same amount of playing time during the game as the others who played very well during practice. I am currently a highschool athlete, and I think that the playing time doesn't depend on how much ability you have as a of a player, but it depends on how much you try and the hard work you put in all around. In the end, it should not matter if you are good at the sport or not; it should matter that the student is exercising body everyday to stay healthy. Practice makes perfect so the more a student puts their mind to something, they are destined to improve. The more you engage in the specific sport you chose, perhaps it will grow on you and then learn you may end up loving and enjoying playing it.

I think school sports should be mandatory. Instituting this will show a large increase in playing skills; cooperation, participation and teamwork, staying healthy, and this gives the player an extra curricular activity to do after the school day. In the beginning of the season, your coach may instruct you to participate in many challenging drills. He could say "Alright everyone: suicides, lunges, pass the ball, jump rope, sprint in place, in all one increment. By doing this, he sees who is participating and following all his directions. Partnership of a player comes out generally during game time. If your sport is lacrosse, the ball is moving up and down the field constantly. You also have to always be speaking to each other so that everyone knows what's going on. The defensemen generally keep a constant quick conversation between each other, along with the attack men and midfield also.

To actually put this plan into action, I think school students who like this idea and parents need to convince their friends. I think they should create pamphlets that include all the good things that will come out of having this law be made. Make them eye capturing, colorful, bold writing and CONVINCING. If this goes as planned, I think the coaches need to be made aware that many more students would be joining their team. They would do this so the coaches would make accommodations for spots for each position and playing time. Other than making more leeway for the incoming new players, I still think there should be a limit put on how many students can join each specific sports team. Lastly, confront the board with papers signed by all the parents and students who had agreed and supported this. Include the reasons why this is an amazing and beneficial idea. This is needed to make people healthy, active, committed, and a happy student as a member of their public school.

Making sports manditory in public schools this will benefit everyone. If the students playing continue to work hard and commit themselves to a sport, the standards for the school will increase. The look on schools for the future, will be better knowing that more students now playing are able to make a difference in a good way.

The author's comments:
Its good

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