The Declaration of Dependence | Teen Ink

The Declaration of Dependence

May 15, 2014
By Anonymous

It is in this generation that we shall see the changing of our world. It is in this generation of civil unrest, governmental dis-faith, and the collapse of our society that the true face of America will rise to meet the new age’s dawning, and the new prosperity our great nation will find is unparalleled to our past century of meager existence and barbaric extortion.

Our lives are stricken with the fear. Our false freedom has given this nation sin and vice, murder and mutilation, and misguided lives. The social commandments that prior great nations have created have been done away with in the name of “freedom” and “liberty”. That “liberty” is a fallacy. It has led us to believe that our lives need not the caring and thought of others. It has led our statesmen to a “holy” war against each other in the name of their “holy” opinion. Gas guzzling companies, unregulated and shaky buildings, unchecked lettuce and law-abiding gun-wielding citizens have given this country a land of not opportunity, but turmoil. Left unchecked, this falsehood that men are free will surely lead to anarchy and ruin of the nation.

That is why in the interest of our nation and our future that we change the ideals of our nation. Our nation should no longer be for the individual, but for the power and majesty of our great America. Individuality has given men reason to lie for their own, cheat for their own, steal for their own, fight for their own… kill thousands a year for their own. Conformity to the great society will give the man reason to lead truthfully for the homeland, create for the homeland, innovate for the homeland, fight for the homeland and die for the homeland. For the benefit of America.

Our “freedoms” have also led us to believe that we are alone in a land of strangers, made to fend for ourselves. I say instead that our nation will grow stronger when every man breaks their back for the good of the nation. A man’s work is only truly productive if all his work in life goes towards the benefit of someone else without return. Bringing each other up, we will all settle below our current average poverty line, so there is no reason for social status, jealously, and coercion. Our leaders will receive the bulk of our money in return, and because people are naturally inept at making wise decisions, our leaders will be making the tough decisions for us. What car do we want to drive? What food should we eat? How many hours a day will I exercise? Will I buy this house? Will I marry this person? Will I have ten kids? All of these life choices can have devastating effects if decided incorrectly, but it will be taken care of you! No more will you buy that gas guzzler for ripped off prices! No more shall you eat unhealthy food and die at an early age! No more will you have to worry about fitting exercising into your schedule, it will be placed for you! No more will you marry the wrong person, regret having your child, or buy a house built on a mountain of sand, for the great minds of our nation will place your abode on a sturdy rock of conformity and assurance.

We therefore as people of America should usher in our new age. Let our children live a life of assurance and comfort in their government-issue jumpsuits. Let our men and women to go work each day knowing they are being watched carefully their every waking moment… for any dangers that might be around the corner. Let our leaders, wizened by the power of authority, guide our lives with resolve, ½ liter Coke bottles, and interest for the great nation that is America.

The author's comments:
I wrote this satire for my English class.

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