Beneficial or Destructive | Teen Ink

Beneficial or Destructive

May 18, 2014
By Gingerman24 BRONZE, Kohler, Wisconsin
Gingerman24 BRONZE, Kohler, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Beneficial or Destructive

In a dark room, with a television on, you can find a boy or a girl playing video games. Surrounded by sugary drinks and junk foods with a controller in hand, mashing the buttons to win the game, they sit there for countless hours to just beat one game. Some may ask how this is beneficial to somebody. Yet, some people think that video games are beneficial to themselves and not destructive at all. Video games can raise your hand eye coordination, while also making you critical problem solve. Some people see it as you are sitting there, twiddling your thumbs and getting more lethargic. Arguably video games can be beneficial or destructive to an individual, depending on the genre of the game and the behavior of the gamers themselves.

Sitting down, relaxing, and playing video games, doesn’t sound beneficial to someone’s physical appearance, but the mental and strategic part increases a lot for an individual. Video games can also be very beneficial to one’s health too. With being beneficial to one, it depends on the genre of the video games and the system or what mood the gamer is in. A gamer could be playing a Tom Clancy game, which usually is tactical and strategically planning, while in command of a group of navy seals or other special ops teams. This type of game could increase the person’s ability to problem solve in pressure, in real world applications. Along with critical problem solving, the physical benefits of video games can be seen in the systems of Wii and Xbox Kinetic. These two systems use the motion of the player to translate into the game itself. So if one jumps, the character in the game will jump. Playing for an hour and a half to an hour, can have one burn a portion of calories off. Not only do video games cause sharp problem solving, it can also cause you to have a fine tuned memory. While playing the gamer experiences many levels that have deaths occur within them. After playing these levels the gamer, has learned or memorized the patterns of the game. Not all games allow you to have such a fond memory, some games have so many different interactions, that the gamer will have to use his quick problem solving. Another way video games can help one is by improving their eye sights. According to the Huffington Post, Call of Duty can improve one’s eyesight. Playing Call of Duty myself, the game trains your eyes to search the screen for any moving target, hidden by shrubs, trees, or even buildings. Playing a little amount video games each day doesn’t hurt anyone, it actually helps you in a couple of ways. Video games can benefit an individual, in ways that can provide an healthy life style.

Commonly argued by many that video games are not beneficial at all, they are more destructive than anything. Video games can have a plethora of complications arise from them. Some of many complications that video games cause are seizures, obesity, aggressive behavior, and a decline in school. Seizures normally occur within individuals who have epilepsy, but also can occur in other individuals too. The individual who is playing the game could start to become stressed and hyperventilate, which could cause a seizure. Along with stress and hyperventilation, seizures can also be caused by sitting in a dark room, with the television monitor flashing because of a game. Another complication that can be caused by video games is that of obesity. Sitting in front of a television with minimal to no movement at all, can cause one to burn no calories. Typically when someone plays video games for an extended period of time they get hungry. So what do they do to get right back to the game as quick as they can, is junk food. Eating junk food, while sitting down and only moving your thumbs causing small amount of calories to be burnt, which in turns causes the calories to be turned into stored energy, which is fat. Along with obesity, some games can cause aggressive behavior. A game like, Grand Theft Auto, could cause a behavior like this to arise. Causing the gamer to think it is okay to use aggressive behaviors. Aggressive behavior also depends on the gamer, themselves, because if they have a good conscience they know what not to do and do. What some many gamers don’t realize is that they lose the motivation towards school and all they want to do is play video games. The gamer slowly falls behind in school, lowering their grades, because all they want to do is play video games. Video games can be harmful to one’s health and demeanor, causing them to do radical and unusual acts. An individual must have a strong conscience of knowing their limit how much to play and what is wrong and right.

When playing video games, a person can experience many beneficial experiences. The person could an increase of problem solving skills and memory. That individual could also bear a destructive experience. Grades could drop in school, aggressive out lashes could occur, and obesity could set in with little exercise. The most concerning question that arises between the battle of bad versus good with video games is, does the benefits outweigh the bad of video games? Along with good versus bad, does video games, entail for a good future habits of that individual?

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