May 26, 2014
By Parnian Saleh BRONZE, Austin, Texas
Parnian Saleh BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Should students who cyberbully be suspended from school? Statistics have shown that cyberbullying has caused a lot of people to suicide. Schools don’t pay attention to cyberbullying. They should be punished for what they’re doing or they’ll keep doing it and won’t learn their lesson.

Teachers give students work which is done at home and they care about that. Most cyberbullying is done at home and there’s not much attention to it from schools.

Teenagers even suicide because of cyberbullying, Megan Mier a 13-year old hanged herself in her bedroom! She was depressed until she found a friend named Josh on MySpace. Later on Josh became mean and started bullying her! He said stuff like, “The world would be a better place without you.” The cyberbullying escalated quickly and classmates and friends joined in. Later she went to her bedroom and hanged herself.

Cyberbullying has gotten so horrible! 95% of people that witness it ignore it! Only 7% of parents are worried of bullying to happen to their children. 66% have witnessed other people join in on the bullying. Don’t you think this should be stopped?

Cyberbullying is basically bullying except done online which is no difference except more bullying. Imagine yourself in their position. You would be offended and mad. You might even feel worthless. There should be more attention to cyberbullying and how bad it has become.

Cyberbullies should be punished, so they wouldn’t hurt people, and understand how awful it is. This will be the best for victims of cyberbullies

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