Social Life Involving Clothes | Teen Ink

Social Life Involving Clothes

May 22, 2014
By Elijah1234 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Elijah1234 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Social Life Involving Clothes
In today’s, society based on what type of clothes/shoes you wear you are judged personally and socially. Why are you based on what you wear and not you’re personally? I can’t figure out why this matters so much. Are fashion and clothes more important than what is in a person’s heart that’s crazy, doesn’t make any sense to me?
In society, there are the so called cool clothes like polo, Louis Vuitton, and other known clothes companies that people think is cool and want to buy them to empress people. Then, we have the quote on quote the generics or the fake brands which don’t even matter as long as you have clothes on your back. But a kid doesn’t want to go through being talked about or ignored.
I have to admit that I too am a fashion person but I don’t do it for other peoples impression I do it because I’m a transistor. A transistor is a person who follows the new style or looks if they like the look of it. This is like what people do around the world whatever is relevant and know peopling follow up on it.
In this generation not everybody has money to spend on just anything; some only have enough to make ends meet with no extras. Extras would be things like extra pairs of shoes and extra clothes etc. You think anybody wants to wear the same thing everywhere they go? I highly doubt that, I sure everybody would want to wear something nice.
In a Friendship, I think that the style of a person doesn’t matter. As long as the person is nice and can respect people and is helpful, then they are the coolest kid at the school to me.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this article because what happens in this article I see almost every day. Its dumb that this happens a lot it shouldn't but people are to ignorant to realize.

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