Do video games contribute to the youth violence? | Teen Ink

Do video games contribute to the youth violence?

June 2, 2014
By glaydon BRONZE, Bronx, New York
glaydon BRONZE, Bronx, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do video games contribute to the youth violence? I strongly believe that video games don’t contribute to the violence of the young. For example, Crime rates fallen due to video games. Also, video games can reduce violence in young people. Finally, Teens can learn about real-world problems from video games.

Criminal rates has decreased because of violent video games. In procons.,it said Violent juvenile crime in the United States has been declining as violent video game popularity has increased. This supports my first claim because It explains when people started playing violent video games, the crime rates fallen because young people is taking their anger out in video games. Also,The arrest rate for juvenile murders has fallen 71.9% between 1995 and 2008, In this same period, video game sales have more than quadrupled. This supports my first claim because it show rates of how criminal crimes have fallen because people played video games.

Video games can reduce violence and stress in young people today. In procons, it states that playing video games allows adolescent boys to express aggression and establish status in the peer group without causing physical harm. This supports my second claim because it explain that young people have a way to express their anger that is not through physical violence. Also, by playing video games, young people tend to be more calm and a less chance of doing a violent act. This shows that young teens have a less chance of doing a criminal act because all their stress was let out from the video game.

Teens can learn about real-world problems from video games. For example, at, it states when kids play games like call of duty or halo, they could learn that we have a lot of wars these days. This supports my third claim because it explains that kids are learning about the people that are sacrificing their lives to keep our country safe. It states in Another thing kids are learning about the real-world is fighting. For example, when people play Mortal Kombat, they can see that when people fight, they could get really violent. This shows that kids are learning about the how gruesome this world it is today.

Some people agree that video games contribute to the violence of the young people today. In, it states A 2000 FBI report includes playing violent video games in a list of behaviors associated with school shootings. I argue with this because its not just video games, it also what they watch on tv. Also, some people say that violent video games teach youth that violence is an acceptable conflict-solving strategy and an appropriate way to achieve one's goals. I concur with that because video games don't cause violent actions, video games keeps people calm and relax from whatever on their mind.

In conclusion, Video games don't contribute to the violence of the young people today. Crime rates have fallen due to video games. Also, video games can reduce violence in young people. Finally, Teens can learn about real-world problems from video games. Additionally, when i get mad, I always play video games to keep me calm.

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