Is the World Coming to an End? | Teen Ink

Is the World Coming to an End?

November 21, 2014
By eliseson BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
eliseson BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You are told at a young age not to question the way society functions. You go about your daily lifestyle how someone else planned it for you, how someone expects you to, and you don’t question it. The wild, young self you were as a child has been replaced with a cold, steel robot that performs economical tasks: work, school, work, school, no etcetera. The once heartfelt and concerned question of “How are you?” has become a standard of social conduct and the “Good” that goes with it can be found in the script everyone absent mindedly gets at the beginning of high school. You can fake a smile or participate in a jolly conversation, but in reality, the world is coming to an end. You can’t stand each other and you can’t stand yourself. What’s popular is more important than what’s right. Pride is at an all-time high, and humility is at an all-time low. Oceans are polluted, animals are going extinct, police are corrupt and education is shot. Yet #AlexfromTarget is trending on Twitter. So, what can you do in the midst of all this chaos? You can love. Not the love in your favorite song on the radio, or the love you feel after slipping on a pair of new shoes. True love. Real love. Boundless love. Instead of trying to change others you will change yourself. You will love from the second you wake up in the morning to the moment before you go to bed at night. You will plant seeds of kindness in this barren tundra of a world, and you will watch them grow. Kindness IS contagious. You may not be able to change THE world, but you can change YOUR world. So yes, the world may seem like its ending, but the path towards a new beginning starts within you.

The author's comments:

I based this piece a little bit off Prince Ea, who is a completely magical speaker. He is under appreciated and should be more recognized by, well, everyone. I incorporated some of my own words with his. 

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