Human Mistakes | Teen Ink

Human Mistakes

December 14, 2014
By Lev Freeman BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
Lev Freeman BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Some people believe that human grievances are caused by mistakes and ideas that we created.  John Lennon wrote a profound song that describes this concept. The song also contains an interesting perspective: to imagine a life where we didn’t have these grievances and to live in peace.

“Imagine there’s no heaven, it’s easy if you try.” The creation and idea of religion has caused grieves upon ourselves. There’s no proof that God is real, or that there is any higher power. It was made up by humans thousands of years ago, and we are too stubborn to realize that those people might have been wrong. Conflicts in religion have led to war. For example, the pilgrims immigrated to the American colonies for religious freedom. Then the colonies became strong and eventually wanted independence. This of course led to the American Revolutionary War. None of this would have happened if the concept of religion did not exist.

“Imagine there’s no countries, it isn’t hard to do.” Another grievance that we humans have brought upon ourselves derives from the concept of countries. The idea of countries makes people from their “homeland” think “foreigners” are not good enough for their home country. For example, hard-working Mexicans can make a better profit for their families if they get jobs in the United States. But of course Americans are too closed-minded to let these Mexicans into our country, so they are either killed or sent back to their home country. As humans, we just need to open our eyes and realize countries don’t matter, and to judge a person by his or her work ethic, not by his country association.

“Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can.” The concept of money (a human grievance) has led people to have strong possessions of their things. What if we lived in a world where everyone worked hard, did something he or she enjoys, and not use money as a means of success. There would be no social class, and everyone could share everything.

In conclusion, the greatest grieves genuinely come from human ideas. Concepts from thousands of years ago are still in practice today, and humans are too lazy to innovate a new system of life.

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