Culture for Future | Teen Ink

Culture for Future

February 1, 2015
By mariaprine BRONZE, Medan, Other
mariaprine BRONZE, Medan, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Through the era of globalization, technology started fading the culture. Every people has its own opinion about this case. Most of people nowadays thought this case is not a very serious case people should argue about. Teenagers, who seems to be the next generation to expand the cultures tend to think that cultures is an old fashioned case they don’t have to be concerned about. Cultures actually symbolize the characteristics of every regions around the world. It is actually the most precious inheritance from our ancestors that we should developed.

The technologies nowadays doesn’t even hamper the development of cultures. It can actually helps people in disseminate the cultures to everyone. Tragically, technologies are no longer used to spread out the good news of cultures but showing that cultures are actually lame things people can laugh at. Technologies no longer helps people spreading the cultures instead of shutting down the existence of cultures. The problems don’t actually bother people nowadays but sadly affects the future generation. When the cultures started to be extinct, what comes up first in mind is a disappointment.

Saving the cultures may seems unimportant stuff for us because it apparently doesn’t affect your life. But what comes up to the main purpose of saving the cultures is our future generation.  Maybe we haven’t felt the loss of cultures because there are still some small groups of people who is trying to spread it out. The extinction of cultures is not a small problems, it’s the most threatening case to the world. No one could ever imagine any region with no characteristics in it. People can no longer be proud of the traditional dance their regions ever had. Or foreigners can no longer attracted to your country since there is no traditional art they can admire.

Cultures for the future helps people being proud of their own country with various kinds of cultures surrounding them. It helps attracted the foreigners to visit your county which actually makes every citizens proud of themselves. Cultures is a very heartwarming things people never knows. Every cultures shows how traditional things are. You may not feel the importance of culture before you feel the amazing and valuable things in it. Starts loving the cultures and feel how important it actually is for your life and for your next generation.

The author's comments:

Culture shows who we are. Be the one to share t through the worldwide. 

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