Who Do You Want Me to be Today? | Teen Ink

Who Do You Want Me to be Today?

February 10, 2015
By Meric BRONZE, Cairo, Other
Meric BRONZE, Cairo, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder."

Going into my lecture hall, I find myself ambivalent. I have chosen a filed in which I am not sure where I would stand in the future. i understand well what information I am to be facing but at what price? The more important question is should a person allow others' expectations of himself/herself to shape his/her future or who he/she is? My guess and the more expected answer is ''No'', but if so how can an 18 to 20 years old choose how he/she wants to shape his/her future or life? It's not as simple as it sounds.. Parting from one's parents and going on to decide what to do with the rest of one's life.. Sounds as a rough decision. I , myself, am suffering with such unbearable situation as I'm facing the conflict of determining a future for myself. I try to educate myself through reading, observing, and indirectly learning to try to determine a suitable career option for myself. I advise others to do so as well. Do not let your parents or people around you shape your future or expectations of yourself for they might come true. In psychology there's this thing called the self-fulfiling prophicies in which a person due to the conceptions of others about himself/herself sees or views himself/herself as such which results in what has been concieved, making people's expectations come to reality. We as teenagers should not allow others to decide our own fates. Work here, study there, understand this, neglect that through all of that shape yourself and who you are.. No matter how many years you might take through that journey. The most important thing is that you don't make a fatal career decision that you wouldn't like. Don't choose something prestigious as a doctor even though you know you would be leading a miserable life as adoctor. It is a process we all must go through to spring as successful people in this ever-changing, man-tearing reality and to avoid the ''what-ifs'' that would be hunting us for the rest of our lives. In conclusion, I would like to say that we shouldn't lose hope and I'd like to reinforce that by quoting a piece of poetry that the emminent Nelson Mandela used to recite when he thought that he should conform to others or that his life is going out of his hands. ''I'm the master of my fate: I'm the captain of my soul.'' That was the wisdom that Nelson Mandela followed and that , in my opinion, we should all follow.

The author's comments:

I've been lately expected to conform to a certain career decision in which I have in deed had , but I've been lately thinking of diverting my path away from people's expectation , even if those people were the closest to me. I share this opinion with others so that they won't get trapped in the same sand pit as I did.

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