Gender Inequalities in Workplace | Teen Ink

Gender Inequalities in Workplace

February 25, 2015
By jjeon98 BRONZE, Frisco, Texas
jjeon98 BRONZE, Frisco, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In contemporary society, gender inequalities amongst workplace has been very apparent, in which, women are treated inferior than men. Women are getting paid less than men, and there is a male-dominant population in workplaces. Overall, females are segregated, although they are just as intelligent as men. Patriarchal society has been apparent throughout history, where males were always superior over women. However, times have passed, and studies show that women are just as capable of doing a specific job as men. Gender prejudice in workplaces are erroneous assumptions and should be discontinued because women are just as efficient as a males are in doing a task and gender equalities are actually beneficial to workplaces.

Women should not be treated inferior than male, especially when they have the same, if not better, ability to do work as males. A 2010 study showed that, on average, “women only made 77 cents to every dollar a man earned (Gender Inequality and Women in the Workplace).” This record is seemingly disadvantageous for women, for both genders do the same amount of work for the company. A recent US News article suggests that, ”Women today are more likely than men to complete college and attend graduate school, and make up nearly half of the country's total workforce (Bidwell).” Companies choose to pay women less because of their sex, even if they are more educated and suited for the company’s job. Women are getting more college academies than men, but businesses still ignore this statistics and favor males over females. Report from the White House Council of Economic Advisers showed that, “although women are increasingly becoming more educated and make up a larger portion of the country's workforce, they consistently earn less than men, even when they have similar levels of education (Bidwell).” The continuation of having women paid less than men are irrational, considering the fact that women are more likely to finish their degrees in college. The male-dominant workplace that are present today are not only leaving females jobless, but are also affecting the companies that could gain more from having gender equalities in their offices.

There are many benefits to having a gender equalities in the workplaces, so having women looked down upon in businesses are actually disadvantageous for the company. A considerable amount of studies suggest that there is, “a link between gender equality and better organizational performance (Learn)” in businesses. Having women treated equally can benefit the performance of a business, but companies still choose to doubt female’s abilities in workplaces. Often, companies overlook the talents of a women, making themselves disadvantageous against other businesses that utilize all of their worker’s efficiencies, including women. It is seen that, “empowering women means a more efficient use of a nation’s human talent endowment and… reducing gender inequality enhances productivity and economic growth. Over time, therefore, a nation’s competitiveness depends, among other things, on whether and how it educates and utilizes its female talent (Learn).” Businesses can gain more from using all of their worker’s talents, including women’s, to best enhance their performances as a company. Even President Obama himself states that economy is, “ changing in profound ways, and in many ways for the better because of the participation of women more fully in our economy (Remarks by the President on Women and the Economy ).” leaning towards gender equalities in workplace. Women are favorable for the companies, and paying them less because of their sex is what companies are still doing. Not letting women participate in businesses are harming the economy. However, some may suggest that women are not involved in business because of their role as a mother to take care of the children.

The male counterparts of this opinion may imply that women choose to look over the children, while males are the breadwinner of the family; therefore setting a distinct role for each of the sex. Mostly males would be the one denying gender equalities because of their status as businessmen, not wanting women to get paid more; to keep their paychecks high. However, women have no choice but to stay home with the children because of the judgment they face from the economy. It is not that women, “do not leave their careers only because they would like to stay at home with their children; women and families are left with that choice (Learn),” because of unfair payments from companies. It is harder for a women to be involved in economies because businesses look down upon them, therefore, leaving them with no other option than housework.  President Obama states that, “while many women are working hard to support themselves and their families, they’re still facing unfair choices, outdated workplace policies (Remarks by the President on Women and the Economy )” describing the hardships women are faced with, despite their equal intelligence compared to males. So while it is true that workplaces are male-dominant, and house works are generally women-based, “if women’s wages were equal to that of their male counterparts in their respected fields, it is guaranteed that more women would decide to continue their careers and pursue leadership, even after having children (Learn)” Females do not choose to become housewives, rather, they are forced to because of unequal judgements they face in the economy. In a gender equal society, perhaps many more males would be involved in housework, while females occupation of being the breadwinner of the family increases.

In conclusion, gender inequalities in workplaces are very harsh in contemporary society, and are illogical. Studies show that women are now capable of doing a task as well as a male can, or in some cases, even performing better than them. Also, researches have shown a connection between increase of gender equalities in workplaces to the increased performance of the business as a whole. Gender prejudice in offices should no longer be continued for it affects, not only the females, but the business as a whole pessimistically.

Bidwell, Allie. "Women More Likely to Graduate College, but Still Earn Less Than Men." US News. U.S.News & World Report. Web. 26 Feb. 2015. .
"Gender Inequality and Women in the Workplace." Gender Inequality and Women in the Workplace. Web. 26 Feb. 2015. .
"Learn." About Workplace Gender Equality. Web. 26 Feb. 2015. .
"Remarks by the President on Women and the Economy -- Providence, RI." The White House. The White House. Web. 26 Feb. 2015. .

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