Torturous Ignorance | Teen Ink

Torturous Ignorance

May 13, 2015
By Kassidy Maddox BRONZE, Helen, Montana
Kassidy Maddox BRONZE, Helen, Montana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It is said that ignorance is bliss, but this is a lie, ignorance is torturous. I believe that knowing is always better than not knowing. Having an unquenchable desire to learn is one of the best qualities a person can possess. It's infuriating when the answer to a question is you'll learn when you're older, because how can people expect others to learn if those with the answers can't be bothered to share what they know. The duty of the old is to teach and prepare the young to encounter the difficulties of the world, not to treat them as if they will never understand and there is no point in even trying to explain. There is always more to learn from the things around us, either by experience or by the examples of others. We must learn beyond our communities, beyond the borders of our country, the world is a wealth of knowledge of other cultures. Without curiosity  there would be no passion, no emotion, what makes us human and sets us apart from each other would be gone. The desire to learn and understand is without value.

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