The American Flag | Teen Ink

The American Flag

November 5, 2015
By 7barajas GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
7barajas GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Each person living in the United States has an idea of what the American flag means to them. To me, the American flag symbolizes strength and pride--from the making of the Declaration of Independence to woman’s suffrage in the 1920s. People believe freedom projects to them when they see the American flag but, there is more than freedom that stands out to me.

In history class, I learned about and the freedoms our nation became known for. I see the strength in our history. People of this country carry on pride in making America what it is today.

The American flag reminds me of Neil Armstrong taking Apollo 11 to space and landing on the moon. On July 21st, 1969, he was the first human to set foot on the moon. Moments like this one show the strength that we have used throughout history to make our American dreams turn into reality.

Our country fought in wars with WWII being one of the hardest. We kept fighting for what was right. I don’t believe in war but, I believe all the men who fought for our country stand for America’s strength.

The American flag symbolizes pride. When we place the American flag on the moon, on the ground soldiers fight on, or even in public buildings, we are showing pride for our country. As Americans, we are proud to be born in this country for America’s accomplishments and strengths.

The American flag symbolizes strength and pride because this country has sought strength in people's hearts and pride for the accomplishment we made like, being the first to send spacecraft to the moon and one of the first countries to begin the equalization of mankind through the passing of the civil rights act in  1964.

The future has much to hold. Our accomplishments will forever keep alive our strengths and pride in America.

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