In America | Teen Ink

In America

November 6, 2015
By b.who SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
b.who SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

America, the land of opportunities and freedom. Depending on where you live in the world, you might never get that one shot at life of becoming a somebody. Throughout the world, people are faced with the struggles of starvation, slavery, or shelter. America is the land of opportunity where one can make their dream a reality. 
In America, there is nothing holding you back, but you! American represents the independence and freedom that has been earned by the US soldiers fighting to make this country the best place it is! 

In America, the east coast to the west coast is filled with people with one goal. . . to  become successful! America is a beautiful country filled with diversity. It’s not everywhere where you can go out with friends and get Chinese, Italian, or Mexican food within the same block.

In America, you get to experience and witness the best athletes in the world. And even more, it gives anybody, from any background, the opportunity to one day become a professional at the sport they play and love.
In America, great people with extraordinary minds invent new things like the internet. Not only does that help America, but that helps the whole world.

The American flag represents opportunities. White, Black, Asian, or Mexican… everybody has an opportunity to do what they want and love in life which is achieving one goal…to become successful.

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