Weeds | Teen Ink


December 15, 2015
By Cleodonbronski BRONZE, Idyllwild, California
Cleodonbronski BRONZE, Idyllwild, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

At our age, meaning those between fourteen and seventeen we are often compelled to do brainless actions.  We are like the weak, dry, weeds that bend with the ways of the wind.  Sometimes we are planted in a group and we travel whichever way they do.  Others of us decide it is time to break away and be thrown about in the world on our own.  And still, there are some of us who have found our place and taken root, as more than just weeds, but rather plants that stay strong against the winds of the world and beckoning calls of other weeds.  Back to the unfortunate souls who are caged in the expectations of our generation, their only salvation is their own choice to break free.  To break free from a false identity made in order to protect their own from the condescending opinoins of others who are just as insecure.  To break free from the wrong assumption of not being good enough.  To break free from popular temptations that are made less and less scornful as the days go by.  The choices that we make for ourselves in this seemingly insignificant time in our life can, in reality, have an impact on our lives for better or for worse.  This is why we must find the strength and courage to break away from our tumbleweeds to become prosperous, unwavering, and deeply rooted plants.  To become an age of not being easily persuaded or blown around through the winds of life, but rather an age of insightful and self-motivated individuals who continue to grow.

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